I’ve read Trump’s happy with the Mooch! Thinks he’s doing great! Because he’s putting it to Priebus! The mind reels. Hurting people who told him once or twice a particular thing was inadvisable, that’s the only thing that matters to him, because he’s infantile.
Who knew that a Wall Street vulture didn’t understand how to be an effective Communications Director? In all fairness, who could have seen this coming?
Call on me! I know the answer! Everyone who knew him except Trump himself!
It’s worth noting that the POtuS-ass smoocher hasn’t been officially hired yet. In essence, he’s just playing White House Communications Director on TV. It’s just a role. Sort of like playing, I don’t know, the Scaramouch?
ETA: Lawrence O’Donnell did a great analysis of Scaramouch last night.
There are a lot of GOP crazies who would better in the position than Mooch.
How about Pam Geller?
Trump’s greatest skill so far has been appointing literally (and I actually mean literally) the worst person possible to appoint for the job. Perry, Mooch, his EPA chief, are all diametrically opposite of what one would expect in people of their positions.
Asshole President hires Asshole for Communications director
Quelle surprise!
You know Donnie thrives on this.
I was thinking last night that this White House just reflects the business world that Donnie was in every day . Backstabbing ,doublecrossing quasi-legal operations.
He thought Government was the same and he could operate the same.
This White House will soon collapse upon itself as a surfeit of corruption malfeasance and incompetence swallows it as it were a black hole
Amen to your Amen with a hallelujah thrown in
Honestly I hope he gets hired and is bulletproof organizationally (although that’s not likely). We’re like children home alone—nobody’s minding the store in terms of national security or any serious threat. We don’t have adult leadership. So the more that’s flagrantly obvious, the sooner we may wake up and do something about it.
Thank you for the laughter, we desperately need it these days.
I think his days are numbered.
The one thing you cannot do with the deranged orange man in charge, is to take the spotlight away from him.
Oh yeah. Trump’s Golden Rule.
Sure. A reporter actually reporting? And accurately? Who could have imagined such a thing?
Happened very quickly to Bannon. Then to a certain extent Spicer.
He defended Jared publicly but I get the distinct feeling things have cooled towards him behind closed doors.
Now we have this wack job.
So when you were whining about anonymous leaking you thought that you were leaking anonomously?
Oh dear , Mini-Me needs a clean diaper .
Therapy for Mooch and/or his boss would be helpfull if they were smart enough to actually take advice to heart. But that level of intelligence and self examination is very obviously lacking. And spending one’s politcal capital on trivial crap is just plain dumbfuckery. Leaks are a way of life in DC.
I hate to see this, but this asshole is just one more asshole in the galaxy of assholes that surround the great Asshole-elect. Sad.
Man, it’s a good thing the Trump White House decided to play eleven-dimensional chess with this guy while Yertle axed the ACA behind the commotion in the dead of night
It happens like a movie because all these dimwits have no understanding of the real world. What they know they got from TV and movies and think THIS is real life. Unfortunately they are now right in the sense that most Americans get their reality from the same TVs and reality shows and can no longer tell the difference between real/substantive/productive and make believe/facade/pretending. So I’ll say again: we have the perfect President for our current state of intellect. And now we have the perfect communication director for the WH for our populace. Aaron Sorkins dream of how things should be (a better TV reality) sure is dead…