I honestly can’t make out what it is your employer thinks you’re accomplishing here.
Swing low, sweet ambulance
Comin’ for the potter’s field grave.
Swing low sweet ambulance
Billionaires got money to save.
Easy there, folks.
Taking a deep breath and a step back from the edge.
Oh man—it’s a nice, not-sweltering evening for once and I’m off to hear a free concert in the park. Let’s give the crumbling of our society the night off.
At this point, I’m thinking CIA…
Yeah, it’s been nice all day here in C’ville – a welcome relief. Go enjoy the conceret, matt!
We are trying to “free” 22 million+ Americans from their mortal coil!
True – they have had a lot of experience over the years.
Someone needs to kick him square in the nuts
You said exactly what I was thinking.
Well, speaking of slavery, this is well worth your time.
Follow the geometric logic here. Next stop on the plutocrat’s slippery slope, now that they’ve convinced SCOTUS that corporations are people:
Corporations exist to make a profit, i.e., they are chiefly an organization to produce money, therefore money is like the offspring of corporate existence, such that money is not just their form of free speech but is actually commensurate with personhood.
Of course Obamacare repeal is like the abolition of slavery, in that a few tens of millions have to give up their health care for the greater good of freeing hundreds of billions (of dollars).
Q.E.D. Also there must have been a duplicate key to the wardroom.
Путин, отправляй лучше троллей
oh my lord, could he be more insulting and despicable…taking away life saving healthcare from those in need is EXACTLY like freeing the slaves!
So the caucasian reactionaries will start lynching Senators?
Talk some more Scaramucci, I’m simply fascinated.
Covfefe for the win!
Get up get up down
911 is joking your town
They haven’t started smearing their own excrement over the plinth of the Washington Monument, yet.
Give the guy a break. He’s only been on the job less than a week. He has room to grow in that area.
(wry grin)