Discussion: SC Man Dies After Friend Misses Bulletproof Vest

Being stupid as fuck is kind of like a drug.


According to other reports - this was an old vest that they found - not something brand new … and some reports refer to the vest as really having been an old “flak jacket” - so this was mega-stupid …


Usually you can identify which of the famous four rules of gun safety the shooter has violated, but in this case we may need a fifth:



Wait, alcohol WASN’T involved??


No vest will ever protect against stupid. Darwin Award please!


First mistake… giving the gun to a girl who looks like Grumpy Cat.

“I shot a guy and missed”


This particular vest hasn’t actually been used since the bullet missed it.


Darwin award, and this dude (and his friends) win first prize.

I hope they at least took the vest away, because these geniuses will definitely try again. That kind of curiosity doesn’t just go away.

Imagine you are a defense attorney … and now you get a call on behalf of Taylor Ann Kelly … where do you begin?
and when the judge says “how do you plead?” do you just say - “Stupid … really stupid”


Many have suggested evolutionary arguments and Darwin Awards. However, that is quite insensitive and inconsiderate of many in South Carolina who are christianical, believe in creationism by jesus christ and think that evolution is a myth. For them, this is all god’s will and part of His mysterious plan for stupid people. I was hoping there would be a good guy with a gun who could stop the bullet before it missed the vest.


As you point out, we probably aren’t dealing with the local Mensa chapter here. NAL but I’ve heard the term “diminished capacity,” although just plain stupid and lacking in common sense might not rise to that. Not sure the legal theory but IMHO I think there has to be some group responsibility. She shouldn’t have done it, but the victim shouldn’t have asked her to, and the rest of the gang should have questioned the wisdom of it.


Besides TPM, where else do such storys play in the media? Any mass circulators like USA Today, People, Guns and Ammo? Any TV/radio/cyber news sources?

Many posters on TPM find such storys a source for sarcastic cybertainment, as evident today. I blame myself also for doing the same. Too many posters on other sites go beyond scorn to vile hatred toward the story’s subjects and other disagreeing posters, though having only virtual cybertaining connections to the “objects” of their expressed hate. In this, we are all virtual bystanders, possibly virtual perpetrators. Hopefully we never become non-virtual bystanders, perpetrators or victims of American gun violence.

The award-winning ABC Nightline began in 1979 as a small recap of daily updates about the American embassy hostages in Iran. What captured Americans’ attention was the nightly repetition, “Good evening. strong textToday is day ### since the Americanstrong text …” What effect might a similar mass- audience news source contribute to our national non-dialogue about guns by counting the year-to-date number of Americans killed/wounded by gunshot, including the storys behind the daily increase. Thanks to the NRA, I don’t believe that the US government can compile an annual list of shootings or even their number.

The Florida legislature has passable (passed?) bills to DESTROY all records, including police INCIDENT reports, of “stand your ground” shootings if the DA doesn’t press charges or the shooter is acquitted in court. (A shooting NEVER occurred. Move along; truly literally NOTHING to see here.) If these bills were ALEC inspired, expect the same from other state legislatures.

What is to be done? What can we do? What can I do?


The defense lawyer can honestly say, “The guy was asking for it…”


I am having a really hard time believing that neither drugs nor alcohol were involved. Even if she had hit the vest, the dude still could have been gravely injured. I.e., if you get shot while wearing a bullet proof vest, it may stop the bullet from penetrating your body but it doesn’t stop the force of the bullet from being transmitted to your body. Severe bruising, broken ribs, and even body penetrating wounds are not uncommon for people who get shot while wearing a vest.

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Maybe too much Super Troopers?

More like Mother Glock.


With the odd caveat that those words weren’t preceded by:

“Hold my beer and…”
