Discussion: Say It Ain't So, Gorka! Controversial Trump Adviser Reportedly On The Way Out

Well played, sir. Well played indeed.

…that he made it as far as he did is a criminal offense…

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Update: Now I see that the Palmer Report IS mentioning the Guardian story. http://www.palmerreport.com/opinion/dossier-donald-trump-organization-russia/2493/ But Palmer has this reservation: “Here’s the interesting part. Steele’s thirty-five page Trump-Russia dossier has been in public circulation for more than three months. It’s been read by thousands of journalists and millions of people. And to date, none of them has come away with the impression that the dossier alleged the Trump organization paid the Russian hackers.”

Palmer doesn’t seem to realize that the Guardian is saying there was a new Steele dossier, or one that contained updated information. From the Guardian: “After delivering these reports, the court papers say Steele and Orbis continued to receive “unsolicited intelligence” on Trump-Russia links, and Steele decided that to draw up another memo with this new information which was dated 13 December.” So Palmer’s skepticism seems to stem from a misunderstanding, since he evidently assumes that the Guardian is referring to the dossier published by BuzzFeed.

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no, but close http://forward.com/fast-forward/370215/is-sebastian-gorkas-phd-a-fraud/

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When an article’s emotive headline is expressly contradicted by a piece of evidence buried within the article itself, it’s a pretty strong signal you’re being manipulated

Right wing nazis are very loyal to each other. Nothing will get Gorka fired unless he hit on or said something mean about First Lady (Washington DC) Ivank Trump.

He’s just tasked with covering Faux during AO’s two-hour bathroom breaks.

Or wait, maybe he’s the butler wired to the little red Coke button!

Personally, I think they just keep him around because his head is needed for their basement pick-up basketball games, since Obama donated all the balls to DC schools. I mean, posed next to Sean Inanity, his head is twice as big. That’s really saying something!



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Herr Doktor Gorka is toast

Yes, it’s a Sea of Holes, where each one is trying to tear each other a new one.

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But it does make it seem not quite so… nightmare-ish.

One less Nazi Fascist in Trump’s inner circle in the White House.

When will Steve Bannon be given his walking papers?

I had a feeling you were actually Gorka!

The jury is still out on whether he’s a Nazi, but really, anyone who denies he’s an ignorant twit is stretching to say the least.

Pretty silly, turd. Puts you in the same category as those who thought the jury’s out on Obama being a muslim.

Yeah, OK Sebbie. He’s not really a member of Vitezi Rend, right? But I’m not pressing that point anyways. I’m saying he’s an out-of-his-depth idiot fraud.

Perhaps he is, but he doesn’t come across that way whenever I’ve heard him speak, and enough other people have had the same impression that allowed him to reach this position in the first place. Given he obviously knows more on the topic than you, and given the topic is one in which there isn’t ‘right’ answer (or if there was, certainly no one in the obama administration knew what it was), your views come across as far more based in knee-jerk group-think bias than any real analysis.

Why so defensive, Sebbie? It’s not too late to learn Arabic! (Or to earn a real PhD.)

Every time I hear Gorka speak, I think, here’s a dumb person’s idea of what a smart person sounds like.

hahaha nice turn of phrase - watch me use it next time I’m on tv

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