Discussion: Sarah Palin: Corporate Culture At Fox News 'Obviously Has To Change' (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin, aka: Nazi, the Alaskan Icewoman.


they wheel her out occasionally as an historical oddity, a relic of the past, like Otzi the Iceman.



I know, like, you know?


dog knows I don’t want an intimidating workspace, but I’d be prepared to run away from it it persisted.


If it beings with A-L, it’s a nutty place.


Sarah, go home, pull the drapes shut, stay there…forever. Do not come out.


HAVE YA HEARD THE ONE about the Emperor who had NO CLOTHES and a POSSE of empty suits who road into town wagging their DOG’S at every camera they could find.
The EMPOROR and his [OSSE never-ever ran out of doggies to wag. At the end of every doggies-TALE, the emperor opens his TRUNK OF TALES and pulls out another ‘relic-like’ empty suit and shakes out the wrinkles and props ‘IT’ upthere for another ‘FEEDING FRENZY’.

On that note PALIN arrives to take CENTER STAGE…


Sarah, the VERY FIRST thing a woman should do IS STOP claiming to be a Republican…how can any self respecting woman want to align herself with this party and TRUMP.
Furthermore Sarah had made it abundantly clear…other fashion statles also scream I AM EMPTY.
Sarah’s advise to other woman…“DO as I say, NOT as I do.”

BTW SARAH, is the RNC paying for your NEW LOOK/

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Looks like Justice is trying to look tough on Wikileaks to mask Trump’s Russia ties.

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There’s a bunch of theories swirling on the TPM article’s discussion thread. One is Assange is a liability to T-boy in the Russia collusion investigations…


Yeah. Sarah is apparently opposed to an “intimidating workspace” or hostile work environment, but serial sexual assault in bars she is OK with and even pals around with the President Perp who did it.


Ailes to Palin: “Why don’t you just twirl around there and let me see that flat, white Alaskan tundra, honey.”


Maybe it’s a late afternoon cocktail but would like to see her cast as Cat-woman and her interpretation of the role.

She obviously has a disorder/sickness for attention.


I am wondering whether Roger Ailes or Bill O’Lielly tried to sexually harass Sarah Palin as a condition for her Foxy News gig? That might explain why she was released to return to the frozen Alaskan tundra.

Did Trump behave similarly with Sarah? If so, that may explain why she did not get a cabinet slot and why she took a bizarre posse of fellow white christian bigots with her after she found out Jesus was busy – so that she could avoid being alone with the Preshitident, may be?

When you are a star you can do anything.

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Maybe the people at Fox thought stupidity was catching so they let her go.
Maybe even Ailes and O’Reilly were afraid to grab her.

“Corporate culture there obviously has to change,” Palin, a former
contributor at the network, said in an interview on CNN. “You know,
women don’t deserve — they should not ever have to put up with any kind
of intimidating workspace.”
Now I know for a fact that I am living in an alternate universe … I was dragged here by millions of rubes duped into thinking a celebrity was gonna dump bags of cash and “winning so much you’ll get sick of winning” on everybody.

I wanna go home where things make sense and Sarah Palin is a babbling idiot once again.


One can imagine a conversation between Donnie and Palin. So much uttered with nothing being said. And they’d only need about six words total. Mostly adverbs.

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You know, I always felt Sarah Palin got a raw deal. I mean, the Republican treasure vault of brilliant ideas didn’t just start sounding dumb when Sarah Palin was speaking!

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Up next, Ann Coulter discusses the horror of watching Hillary Clinton’s campaign due to Russian Hacking.

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Hey, Otzi had skills! That is until somebody murdered him.

He’s nothing like Miz " Lets shoot the wolves from a plane school marm-porn star with a gaggle of particularly unexceptional and stupid children."

The only thing they (Otzi and Ms. Chillblanes have in common is ice…

OMG, how we have missed you! Proceed!!!

It’s dangerous territory to get between Palin and a camera, and please stop giving her an audience.