Discussion for article #245064
Yeah, yeah, yeah… always blame the media.
Fucking jerklock.
NO! They should be propping up my failing campaign!
Wait- now, who is this guy?
If only there were a way to search his name…
After reading that squishy, brownish-colored rant, I can only say: Good god, dude – victim much?
I thought he’d already bowed out. Oops.
How many times does he have to run and lose by large margins before he realizes that he can’t even get the holier than thou vote any more?
He’s relatively young, so maybe 5 or 6 more times?
What a pitiful rant. Of course, we’re accustomed to the Grade-A Victimhood Rants of the Whore of Babble On.
I think I just died and went to heaven:
A grand jury investigating Planned Parenthood over tissue sales has instead indicted two anti-abortion activists
From the GOTP “Last Gasp” Playbook - Blame the media.
Look, sweatervest, even the super Christophiles don’t like you.
PS. You’re getting fat.
Poor Santo. He’s going to quit his campaigm because the media made him. It’s all their fault.
His comment might make slightly more sense if he were the Republican front-runner. (But he isn’t.)
Seriously, I thought he dropped out months ago. That’s how well his campaign is doing.
His Holy Wankerness.
That is one frothy mixture™ of word salad he’s got going there.
Ricky, it’s time you wrapped it up and went home. Face it buddy you are never gonna get to leave the kid’s table and eat with the grown ups.
Rick Santorum was in denial yesterday. Rick Santorum is in denial today. Rick Santorum will be in denial tomorrow.
“You reach a point when you realize that you aren’t going to accomplish what you’re going to accomplish and you have to look out for the greater good,” the newspaper quoted Santorum as saying.
rick, you are not going to accomplish what you are going to accomplish? WTF? you are out because nobody wants you. this is about you not the media. it is called rejection.
To be frank, he’s not even worth commenting on…because he’s dead to me.