Discussion: Santorum: I'm Not Sure GOPers Care As Much About The Poor As Dems

He’s not sure? Really?
I’m so sure, so very sure that Republicans don’t care about the poor
at all.
Reps are people who would praise themselves for stepping over
a starving or injured person instead of stepping directly on them.

This is really, really frightening. How out of touch is this man? Has he been living in a parallel universe?

Address Poverty and unemployment with “real solutions,” says Boehner. I guess by that he means tax cuts for the rich, and repeal of regulations that keep the working poor safe, and of course, tort reform, to make sure it is cheaper for corporations to hurt people.

NC Steve, didn’t see your comments before I posted mine. But as they say: great minds, and all that…


SECOND time I have agreed with you!

  1. “We will never have the elite, smart people on our side.”

  2. this.

Nice job Mr. Frothy.

The Republican take on the poor is that the poor are that way because they choose to be. Under the rant of all right-wing poor haters is the belief that they themselves are just millionaires in waiting. In reality getting out of the poor cycle requires many steps very few of which are in control of the poor person. Government can help with this but it requires a united effort something we will never see

“Well people” ask Santorum questions. Do “sick people” also ask?

It needn’t.