Discussion: Santorum Calls For A Constitutional Amendment To Ban Same-Sex Marriage

How has your call for a constitutional amendment to ban abortion worked out, Ricky? Might be something you could learn from.



Poor little Ricky. He doesn’t realize the horse has already left the barn.


Former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) put some daylight between himself and other 2016 contenders who are calling for a constitutional amendment to scale back the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage decision. Unlike Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) – who are calling for a constitutional amendment that would allow states to decide whether they would like to ban gay marriage – Santorum is calling for an amendment that would prohibit gay marriage nationwide.

What about firearms? Will they still be able to marry each other? God, I hope so!


I think we should have a Constitutional Amendment banning reproduction by people as stupid as Statorum. They can still marry, but they just can’t reproduce.


Never gonna happen air-head.


Santorum is SO DEEP in the Closet that he is finding next year’s Christmas Presents.


““I believe we need a national standard for marriage. I don’t think we
can have a standard from one state to another on what marriage is,”
Santorum told reporters at breakfast event Monday in Washington hosted
by the Christian Science Monitor.”

So says the guy who is a member of that political party that is into
A. Less regulations
B. smaller government
EXCEPT when it comes to consenting interpersonal relations and female genitalia ownership.
Republicans would love a Constitutional amendment allowing them to make every woman’s uterus state property and a prime camping spot.


Dude, it ain’t ever gonna happen. You lost. Let it go.


Two thirds of the House. Two thirds of the Senate. The state legislatures of 38 states. Please proceed, Senator.

Oh, wait. You’re not a Senator anymore, so you can’t do anything about introducing such an amendment, can you?

Good luck with that.


Fight’s over bro. You and your fellow bigots lost.

And it feels fucking great.


Well, I’ve got to give him credit for one aspect of this approach. At least he’s not making stupid noises about “five unelected men in black robes,” or vowing to engage in some sort of “resistance.” At least he seems to understand that this is now the law of the land, and if one wants to change it, a Constitutional amendment is pretty much the only option. Any such attempt would crash and burn, of course. But what he’s saying is actually a lot less absurd than what’s coming out of the mouths of most of the other RWNJ’s.


I’d like an amendment to ban Santorum!

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rick who?

Yes, approval of marriage equality has been gaining ever since it became an issue, and went over 50% several years ago and continues to climb. Yeah, he’s delusional.

Former Senator Frothy Mixture continues to flog the same dead horse—while a smartly-harnessed team pulls the marriage equality wagon miles and miles away from him.

He’s such a simpleton.

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More issues than National Geographic, that one.


I propose a Constitutional Amendment to ban Faux Moral Outrage/Grandstanding. For examples, see Trump, Donald; Santorum, Rick; Abbott, Greg; Jones, Alex; Coulter, Ann; Duggar, Any of Them. There are numerous others of note, but these examples are sufficient.

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So, conservatives can reach the conclusion that leaving everything to the states is a bad choice because of “hodge podge”, but to bad they do it for the wrong reasons.

Ain’t nobody told him that ship has sailed?
Maybe then his poor wife can get another late-term abortion, I mean “induced 23-week delivery”? This guy is not only a sad closeted mess, but also a menace to society!