Discussion: Sanders Urges Supporters: Ditch Identity Politics And Support The Working Class

But on the other hand: Isn’t this the same thing as saying: “No, ALL Lives Matter”?

If you give up on supporting all sorts of hyphenated Americans, you’re giving up on supporting minorities that otherwise have no identity.

What if the Democratic Party finds a way to a future majority of “Just Plain Americans” and sells out its heart and soul in the process? What then?


I completely agree with the main point of Sanders’ argument, that Democrats need to appeal to the working class. But his discussion of identity politics is completely off base. Maybe I missed it, but I don’t recall a single instance of Clinton arguing that we should vote for her because she’s a woman. I do recall some talk about her nomination being historic — because it was — but it was hardly central to her campaign.

Maybe I’m reading all of the wrong Democrats, but I don’t see identity politics as being a driving force of the Democratic party. I DO, however, see it as a driving force of the Republicans: white nationalism is identity politics. So to the extent that Democrats are calling out the GOP for THEIR identity politics, well then fine, guilty as charged. Otherwise, I think Sanders is railing against a straw man here.


Here’s a novel thought: Stop the hispandering, end support for illegals, support Trump’s deportation, and provide jobs for working class folks.

We’ll see how far that gets.

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She never did…this is just a weird time for this message, in my opinion. Especially considering what is happening in the wake of the election.


LOLOLOLOL. Chuckle of the day.

The democratic party, to the rural and working class, is the party of blacks, lesbians, transgenders, and illegals who are on the dole. There is no interest in the party since no one in the rural areas identifies with any of that.


Always classy. I hope he goes away before Trump—almost.

And his message is just ridiculous. He has been all over the map in the last week. He is basking in attention like the reincarnation of John McCain.


sighs Why am I not surprised that “One Note” Bernie responds with well, his one note?

This campaign was not about “economic anxiety”. As Bernie cleverly forgets to notice, millions of working class Blacks, Hispanics and Women voted for Hillary, not Trump.

But angry white men voted for racism, xenophobia, and misogyny. Which is the ONLY thing Trump consistently campaigned on from the beginning.

And its way too rich for my blood to hear a man who attacked every woman in the Democratic party he could find, did horrible with Black voters despite running out his token surrogates like Killer Mike (who he promptly dropped after he abandoned going after minority voters) bitching about “identity” politics.


Sure, I’ll ditch identity politics and support the working class when the working class ditches identity politics and supports human rights.


26 % of hispanics voted for Trump. A majority of hispanics support his immigration policy, because legal immigrants DO NOT SUPPORT illegals. More and more blacks are regarding the Democratic party, which supports jobs for illegals over jobs for working class Americans of any race or ethnicity, as a plantation.


Still with the lectures, Bernie? And the sexist talk about voting for someone just because they are a woman?

Come on, man.


He’s not saying that the Democratic party should stop caring about the issues facing women, minorities, LGBTs, etc., though- he’s just saying that shouldn’t be the focus of the party’s message to the extent that it is now. You can give a shit about those groups and also give a shit about poor/working-class people of all races, genders, and orientations. A major reason why the Democrats lost this year was because the overall message/strategy doubled down on the former while mostly ignoring the latter.


The Democrats abandoned the working class by embracing the Republican program of “free trade” instead of fair trade.


But wait…didn’t you just say that the Democrats were the party of blacks?


And just remember, if you shoot the messenger, the message goes away. Bernie is a smart guy. He is also NOT an open-borders loser like Hillary and Obama. He was for enforcement of the immigration laws, and opposes the H-1B and other work visas which are so destructive to American tech workers.


Bullshit. The numbers are still be counted and analyized but that particular one has already been debunked. Trump did worse than Romney, the end tally is going to be somewhere around 17% (at best) of Hispanic votes.

But of course a low life POS like you would be johnny on the spot to push that little bit of misinformation.


“The working class of this country is being decimated…”

Oh geez, if only that were true.

<img src="/uploads/default/original/3X/f/b/fbfc3b976763a45bc725c6c97b762ce02c54b0ec.png" width="189" height="267">

Fine, rural voters may perceive Democrats that way, and perhaps Democrats need to try to change that. But that’s a matter of perception.

If you perceive me to be a 26-year-old, 400-pound albino Latina, I may want to make an effort to correct your misperception. But it doesn’t make much sense to criticize me for presenting myself as a 400-pound albino Latina, since I clearly haven’t done that.


I am pretty sure Obama deported more people than any President in recent history but sure…keep with that open border trope.


Trump and Sanders are lying to the working class saying getting rid of free trade acts will bring manufacturing jobs back. It is getting old. Sanders is becoming a nut, and Trump we know is insane, and was never a real populist except for billionaires. Trump conned mid west democrats, and Sanders just believes he is right. I really hope Sanders goes away. Hillary was still more qualified to be POTUS than you Sanders or Trump woman or not.