LOL – you got me on that one. She did pretty much make her feelings known in her Rachel interview.
There is nothing more interesting to me than a Clinton fan mocking Bernie about anything concerning ethics or full disclosure.
Not to worry, Bernie will land on his feet when he returns to the Senate. As an Independent he’s caucused with the Democrats, they’ll need his support going forward,and they will make nice and not punish him for drawing out his campaign until this stage.
To offer a little historical perspective, when Hillary conceded and endorsed Obama so soon after the end of voting in 2008, that was quite unusual. As I recall, Jerry Brown waited until the convention, same for Jesse Jackson, Ted Kennedy and many (most?) runners up in recent Democratic primaries.
Meanwhile, we have a significantly higher percentage of Bernie voters who already tell pollsters that they will vote for Hillary in the general than the percentage of Hillary supporters who said the same about Obama even as late as October 2008.
So, despite all the hand-wringing about Bernie’s “slow turn” approach to winding down his campaign, and his efforts to translate his significant support into influence over the platform, both of these appear to have worked out pretty well.
We can’t know exactly how it would have gone if he had dropped out immediately after the last primary votes were cast, but it’s possible that doing so abruptly, and without the platform victories to point to, could have led more of his supporters to jump over to the Green Party camp or just decide to sit out the general.
In other words, when Bernie said he planned to do everything he could to help make the platform more progressive, AND do everything he could to defeat Trump, and that he believed the former would help with the latter, that may have been not only sincere, but strategically sound.
For me, the main issue is what Bernie–knowingly or not, willingly or not–has handed Trump and the Republicans: A lot of talking points, bragging, etc., about how “Hillary can’t seal the deal,” “Bernie’s being treated so unfairly by Hillary and the Democrats,” “In Wall Street’s pocket!” “Rigged!” On and on. That’s primarily what has pissed me off about Bernie’s slow-walking this. Also, yes, Bernie had significant support in the primaries and he brought a lot of people into the fold–like every candidate does every cycle–but a majority of that support are/were existing Democrats. He did not bring in ALL of those people to the party – and that, I believe, he badly miscalculated.
Again, if he is sincere and wants to do his part campaigning for Hillary and raising money for the party that welcomed him, then I am very happy to have him stick around. There’s a lot of work to be done. The more, the merrier.
He loved Obama in 2008. Obama won now he doesn’t like him.
When it turned out that Pres. Obama couldn’t magically change the country over the course of 30 days to their liking, they decided he was just a “corporatist” traitor.
I find it interesting that he has lied repeatedly about showing his tax returns. I didn’t think there was going to be much in them, but he keeps saying he would release them and then not doing it, which makes me wonder.
What’s really amazing is the anti-Sanders vitriol still coming out of the TPM comments section. I come here only to marvel at the depths of it. Clinton supporters who wallow in this kind of bile are exactly what is wrong with the Democratic Party today, and what true progressives must fight against internally within the party for the foreseeable future.
Der Leader… Cliff Arnebeck?
A closeted conservative in assumed “Non-Partisan” clothing, the lawyer behind the lawsuit by Hmmmm… I wonder if he’s getting some grift from Der Trumph?
Arnebeck was a leader in the Ohio campaign for Ross Perot’s failed 1992 presidential bid. Questioning the micromanagement of the campaign by Perot’s staff in Houston, Arnebeck eventually challenged its legitimacy in a Washington press conference before the election Link at Wiki
One way to make a living… GOOD LUCK with this latest bullshit Clifford when…
Again, no worse than previous primaries…Hillary’s 3am phone call “Obama’s not ready for primetime” meme (and nothing even close to the slime factor as Hillary 2008’s barely-veiled racist attacks on Obama, playing up the Rev. Wright thing and the Bill Ayers thing and blasting out the photo of Obama in African garb, etc). Certainly no worse than Jerry Brown calling Bill Clinton “The King of Sleaze.”
As the saying goes, “politics ain’t beanbag,” but the idea that Bernie ran an especially negative or personal or divisive campaign just doesn’t really square with the historical record.
All true and good points. Thank you. I can’t wait until November.
LOL…Hey, put me down for $27. Double if they add a “dunk Susan Sarandon in a tank of warm spit” feature.
I’m in $27 for each of Weaver’s nuts. Plus, I’ll contribute to the spit tank for Susan.
Better late than never, but better never late still rings true.
Absolutely. Because Sanders supporters were so nice, gentle, kind, and encouraging of disparate points of view… right?
Sorry, but not everyone wanted to #feeltheBern. (god, that particular phrase was annoying, infantile, and insulting, all at the same time… I’m so glad it’s joined the “rEVOLution” stickers in the dustbin of history).
Bernie supporters want “time to heal” and whatnot? Well, so do folk who had to put up for months with puerile #feeltheBern tweens who’d spew constant vitriol and would instantly call you a paid troll, sellout, or much worse if you so much as suggested you might not be supporting their savior Bernie Sanders.
(NOTE: Yes, this last paragraph in particular did insult a whole bunch of BernieBros intentionally. If you were one of them, it applies. If you weren’t a total jerk, then it doesn’t. Is it mature? Hell no. Did it make me feel good? Yes it did. I’m still in that “healing” phase.)
It goes both ways.
Compared to the one HRC ran against him?
I don’t think a historical context is necessary.
Sec Clinton-- and even her surrogates-- handled Sen Sanders with kid gloves comparatively.
What it comes down to for me?
So I can just let the animosities from here at TPM-- go-- on a personal level?
Is a full-throated endorsement from one strong candidate-- for the strong nominee.
That is all it has ever taken-- for me.
Bingo. He might actually do some campaigning for Dems mainly because it will keep him in the spotlight and delay the Vermont return. I am happy to unite but I do not trust Bernie Sanders.
Do you not remember where it comes from? I’m guessing most of Sanders’ supporters aren’t old enough to remember Jane Fonda…
Did you come here during Mar/Apr/May?
Did you marvel at the RWNJ-style memes being deployed daily to degrade a qualified candidate?
Did you stick around and try to speak sense to those with whom you sided as a voter-- that were posting them?
Odd. I don’t recall seeing your posts during those internecine bouts.