Discussion: Sanders Steps Into Role As New Face Of White House

What a fawning piece of crap this article is.

And she downplayed on Friday any reports of “chaos” enveloping the West Wing, saying that her house at 6 a.m. with three young kids was far more hectic.

I don’t believe that whatever “chaos” takes place in the morning at her house directly effects the lives of 323 million Americans, not to mention the rest of the fucking planet.

Nice that she could draw a parallel though. Another fine example of “her way with a zinger.”


And look what Sam Bee dug up …

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She is a most unappealing young woman. How does such a smug, dour young woman “understand America”? She looks like a hang dog.

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She is a Huckabee, they hang dogs…


SHS and KAC , both being liars …