Discussion: Sanders Slams Trump Infrastructure ‘Scam’ As 'Corporate Welfare'

go get him Bernie!


Bernie, haven’t you heard? America prefers moderate solutions. Let the Think Tank Dems come up with a plan to fight Trump. Why, I’m sure they’re coming up with something fool-proof right as we speak!


Please do not hold your breath waiting for the mainstream media to report on what Trump will do to the deficit.


Here ya go …


Good on Bernie for fighting this out while other Dems have appeared shellacked.

I am worried about whether Schumer can do a good job, but elevating Bernie was a great step and hopefully can help show Dems a path forward which enthuses some of their core supporters.


This site is for the most part knee-jerk intolerant of Sanders. The fact that he dared to oppose HRC is sufficient grounds for the majority here to trash anything he has to say. This piece has only 5 responses because the his remarks are on the money, and do not provide sufficient space for the usual traffic to trash him. By then way, I voted for HRC, and advocated others do so as well.


Do what you do best, Senator Sanders, you gadfly son of a bitch.

We hear you.


I don’t agree with him about what he said about identiy politics and again Hillary beat him fair and square,but I am happy that he is not going along with Trump’s corporate giveaway to privatize roads and bridges and which is a fake Infrastructure plan because it doesn’t create any new jobs and just lowers taxes for billionaires.


Um, no.

But at least he had enough respect to not nuke the whole thing after all the foul and unfair things that the DNC did were brought to light.

And Hillary still lost to Trump.

Bernie would have won.


So, Bernie is already running for 2020. That was quick.
(I don’t doubt he is sincere, I just think this is pretty blatant. He got suckered by Trump and is now trying to regain the high-moral ground.)

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No. The election was decided the day Trump won the nomination.
No Democrat had a chance against him because the MSM decided he was just too good for profits to let him lose.
Hell, the WaPo gave Hillary more positive coverage than the NYT and MSNBC combined, with CNN and all major newspapers becoming outright whores for Trump. FOX was in his pocket from the beginning, and the Reich-Wing successfully kicked the Democrats asses on social-media, especially Facebook and Twitter through the use of chat-bots and a very sophisticated Psy-Ops campaign that had all the hallmarks of a CIA operation (and just might have been as the CIA has hated the Clintons with a passion for decades.)
Hillary fell into the same trap that McCain did in 2008. She tried to run a “traditional” campaign in the face of subversive and disruptive opponent. (Even still, the difference was only 200,000 votes spread over 4 states.)
Now the MSM get at least 4 years of insanity, criminal activity, fascist ideology, and quite possibly the single thing they desire the most. The single most profitable thing for the MSM. A WAR.
The profits were just too succulent for the greedy bastards to allow actual democracy to break out.


Paul Krugman’s on to trumpf.

Don’t fall for the infrastructure scam.


We TPMers and liberals almost everywhere went into an agreeable bubble of our own making and confirmed for each other that he had no chance. The forces lined up on his side weren’t exactly invisible, but we said they’re too over the top to be taken seriously. The pollsters agreed with us, everyone one in the sane world agreed with us. He sucked up the media oxygen from day one, they were on board instantly for their ratings explosions, and in reality the woman in the pantsuit never had a chance even though we told each other that she would be the eventual winner about a million times in a million ways.

@lare There are a few more than five responses as of now, but I think something like the the five stages are grief are setting in as well as despondency, fear, and so many other unknowns that we, at least I, can’t keep up the brave front very effectively. It may not completely be a trashing of what he has to say now, just fatigue. Consider that.


Nobody knows whether Bernie would have won or lost.

My opinion is that he would have won but the contention that he would have lost is equally valid because it’s hypothetical.

We do know Hillary lost.


Sanders is doing exactly what he has done his entire career.

He just has a higher profile now and the press is reporting it.

This is a good thing.


She never visited Wisconsin; made an campaign stop in Arizona six days before the election; and at a critical time, eschewed public campaigning for private fund-raisers for the very wealthy, so I’m not how “traditional” her campaign was, except relative to Trump.


Absolutely “traditiional” in the fact that she concentrated on fund-raisers and TV advertising in “targeted” states only, believing her army of “advisors” and statisticians. If she had run a “Truman” campaign, barn-storming 35 states, she probably would have won, but, that is not Hillary. She is a policy-wonk and third-way Democrat, and that time is over.
It is Populist Working-Class politicians who will win now.
Bernie, unfortunately, fell into the “McGovern Trap” and got quickly addicted to the adulation of the millennial-college kids and lost his focus early on. If he had hammered his “Working-Class-War on Wall-Street” theme and not veered into “Free-Stuff for Rich College Kids” he probably would have won the primaries with great support from the traditional Democratic base of working-class men and women and Unions and then the election would have been very interesting.
But, he didn’t.


Thanks for the Link to Paul Krugman’s piece.

It is a real mitzvah.

A Mighty Wind-Yiddish Talk With Lars


I am impressed. Trump is determined to hit the ground running with his plan to crash the economy by providing more corporate subsidy profits his pals and co-conspirators can hide in overseas bank accounts.


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