Wow, that’s a total and complete surprise. Not…
Just wait til the CBO score comes out…
This is going to crash-and-burn.
Let’s hope
Sanders was partly responsible for Hillary’s loss. He stayed in way too long in the primaries, and only half-hardheartedly supported her.
The Robin Hood in Reverse Act of 2017.
no shit, Bernie. Now get your ass out there and motivate people to call their senators and make sure to KILL IT
So one would think. 14 million of the people knocked of health insurance on the House bill came from the Medicaid cuts. So if the cuts in Medicaid are deeper the number is going to rise and is not likely to be offset by slightly increasing the subsidies.
Have we a new sock puppet??
Smells like one.
ETA: The M.O. is the same. Joins, then its first post is a post attacking a regular. Reported it, just in case.
Yep, already flagged it on a different thread. .hahahaha
Looks like we flagged simultaneously on that one.
Nothing like the smell of burning sock in the morning. Smells like, well, a burning sock…
The Senate bill cuts off subsidies at 350% of the poverty line rather than the House version’s 400%. Susan Collins pretended to be concerned about that when the bill was secret; I’m looking forward to her kabuki performance this afternoon.
@maximus I expect a similar trajectory as the House: initial bill flops, conservatives add amendments that make it worse while moderates cite some paltry amount of money, and the bill passes on the second go.
One less sock puppet in the world. Banned…
Sanders was partly responsible for Hillary’s loss.
[citation needed]
He stayed in way too long in the primaries
Although not as long as she stuck around in 2008 … too bad her actions then cost Barack Obama the presidency that year. Oh wait …
and only half-hardheartedly supported her
Now this is just stupid.
hahahaha was a troll that just got bounced…
Love how, this time, it is pretending to be a liberal. Rawskank Redemption, perhaps?
Could be, or his Mom finally sealed off his basement lair, and oxygen deprivation has set in?
Like the House bill crashed and burned?
Everyone of the hand-wringing “moderate” Republicans will vote for this bill when it comes down to it… and it will sail through reconciliation on the House side.
I hope you’re wrong. I think the CBO score is going to be horrific, and that may finally sink into at least 3 remotely(?) intelligent GOP Senator’s. The GOP now owns this trainwreck lock, stock, and barrels of dead voters, and maybe some wisp of awareness will seep in?