“I don’t think it’s appropriate to lie from the podium or any other place.”
Anyone already got SHS as the next to leave the island?
It’s not appropriate to lie, but a little fudging of the truth never hurt anyone. And everyone loves a nice big helping of fudge.
If Sanders is ever fired at least she can walk the streets. She learning transferable job skills.
By the looks of her, Sarah’s one of them.
The woman is as dumb as spit !!!
All she can do is lie, just like Don et al
Another Liar for Jesus!
“So he lied. He didn’t receive that’s a phone call,” the reporter pressed.
“That’s a pretty bold accusation. The conversations took place. They just simply didn’t take place over a phone call. He had them in person, in his head, right as he was speaking” Sanders said. “And he probably really believes them, because they make him feel good about himself. So I wouldn’t say it was a lie.”
That wouldn’t surprise me. She is a very unhappy camper despite the makeover. hahaha
He isn’t lying because he is delusional. Not sure that is a great defense.
In person with the Prez of Mexico? Was he at the golf course this weekend?
I thought was merely being sarcastic. I think I’m going to go buy a lottery ticket on the way home.
But it is appropriate for her to tell a US Senator how to do his job. (Flake)
I’m the last person who should be critical; I haven’t dressed properly since my ex and I split. But someone’s got to tell her she looks like a circus clown in that thing. It’s triggering acid flashbacks.
Two scoops require more fudge than one. Just sayin’.
huckabuck family values.
To his supporters it is.
Maybe Ivanka could finally do something useful in the White House and give SHS some tips on how to dress appropriately.