Discussion: Sanders: Leakers Are 'Cowards,' But Reporters Also Fabricate Leaks

Hey Hamhock, those “reporter fabricated leaks” are known in the real world as reporting the actual news.


What you have here is a very, very disturbed person. I give Trump some credit for picking her. He knew exactly what he was doing.


I know y’all are making boat loads of money, but sometimes the weight isn’t worth tipping over and drowning. Better leave the ship now - we don’t have a native Russian’s decades of learned acceptance.


Ok then
Enumerate what was a “Fabricated Leak”
We would like to see the list


Ol’ SHS is stomping her hooves in frustration …again.


What he tweeted the other day was essentially “the leaks are fake, but the leakers are cowards and I will find them even though I just said they don’t exist.”


Same circular logic he always uses
I am paying this Porn Star $130,000 to not talk about an incident that never happened.
So There!


Cowards perhaps, but some may be patriots, and a lot, maybe most, is just good old College Republican backstabbing your way to the top.


Such a sad sack of shit.


The entire Trumpistocracy has a weird hangup about, for lack of a better word, being grossed out. From Trump’s bleeding-out-her-whatever to leakers being “disgusting”, they do this weird mental mapping of things from bad->ick.

You can say leaking inside conversations is bad (I don’t agree, but whatever), or unpatriotic (again, don’t agree), or maybe even shameful. How is it disgusting, by the modern colloquial use of the term? Are there worms involved? Maybe a yucky hairy spider?

These are strange (or sick) people.


Every time I want to comment on Ms Sanders I have to resist my initial impulse to scream at the TV about how disgusting she is. But, it’s not about her appearance. It’s about how morally bankrupt and “ugly” in word and deed she really is.

Some may think she is a great spokesperson for Fat Donny, but as the daily “voice” of our government comfortably defending the indefensible she is actually worse than Spicey ever was. Spicey was growing uncomfortable in his role as a liar. Sanders seems to enjoy it and feed off the power and outrage she believes she has and creates. She is so contemptible she is not worth mocking on SNL.


Ya know what out does leaker cowards? Liar cowards.


Keep talking, Hamhock. By the time you are done they will be giving the Nobel Prize to Michelle Wolf.


Spicer was terrible at his job but he was visibly uncomfortable with the outright lies he had to tell every day, it was sad and comical to watch. Sanders is a natural liar, she does it without effort and she can channel the false self-righteous indignation when she’s called on it.


It’s just using the boss’s favorite word, I’d say. You see it all over, if you work in that kind of kissup environment.


I would like to see all the major newspaper and other media reporters get together and compile a list of their sources and leakers and just jointly publish it without attribution. Then I want to see the entire White House fired including Huckabee, Conway, and probably the President. Because they all leak and they all lie.


They still can’t get it into their heads that no one gives a flying fuck about who leaked the remark; they care about someone saying that a man dying of brain cancer doesn’t matter. They have been trying to spin this to their advantage for nearly a week now and they are losing badly, but they just can’t stop. It’s the only thing they know how to do. They are stuck in that Dick Cheney “apologies make you look weak!” mode and no one knows how to press the reset button.
And I don’t think Sarah’s remark about the press fabricating leaks is going to take any heat off of the situation either.


I find their use of “coward” confusing. Leaking is cowardly? It’s probably a lot of things, maybe even disgusting depending on what is leaking, but cowardly? Does that mean it is brave not to leak? I know I’m not the intended audience for this message, but am I missing some obvious alternate meaning? The trump admin is definitely a dam that is about to burst, but that metaphor seems almost high brow for this gang.

If there are leaks fabricated by the press, Sarah, then do point them out and tell us the truth.
And how many leaks are there, Sarah? Just put your left hoof forward and tap out the number on the floor.

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