Discussion: Sanders: I Want Trump To Win The GOP Nomination

That’s been my hope all along. If his campaign becomes a bit more “professional,” we could see what I imagine to be pretty much a three-way race with Rubio and Cruz with Trump and Cruz backroomed at the convention because neither is electable. The Donald cries foul and runs in a lot of states splitting the knuckle-dragger vote.

Heard an interview with the “brains” behind some PAC backing Rand hinting that the “Liberty” group might just stay home since, as of now, none of the GOP candidates are to their liking. Good. It will be, in part, like 1992 when the (im)Moral Majority stayed home because Bush the Elder didn’t pander to them sufficiently as Reagan had.

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Go Trump go!

You are sooo right. Never assume that any “revolution” we might have in the US wouldn’t be a fascist one, with the Donald emulating so much of the old time fascists in his manner and ideas.