Discussion: Sanders: I Admire Boehner For 'Hanging In There' During Tough Years

Discussion for article #241089

De mortuis nil nisi bonum.

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I know the EmoProg response to this would be “Heresy”.

[And I despise Boehner–especially after I saw him dissembling to Dreamers who caught him at a D.C, deli]

But Bernie is right…

And every person who cares about the future of the United States should be about putting as much daylight between TeaBaggers and those who are not.


Bernie once again making sense and speaking from the heart.


i googled

well played

Another example of: “If Hillary said it…”

If Hillary Clinton said the exact same thing, she would be accused of being a closet Republican and corporate whore.

He’s right. It’s a thankless job. Of course, a real leader would be a person willing to lead the entire House, allowing votes on all bills regardless of which party might prevail. I truly doubt that any such person exists within the GOP caucus, and it would take somebody willing to tell the Tea Party folks to play with the others or shut up.

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But Hillary is “a closet Republican and corporate whore” so it doesn’t matter what she says about Boehner.