I just hope that it ends with a question for Trump:
“Who’s in your wallet?”
Zed: “Bring out the GOPer.”
Maynard: “GOPer’s sleepin’.”
Zed: “Well, I guess you’re gonna have to go wake him up now, ain’t ya?”
I wish the ad had said, “There’s only one Democrat in the race.”
Daily Kos apparently will match your contribution:.
A better question for trump is “who’s in your pocket?”
You’d think the scriptwriter could have fit at least one MF’er in there.
You tired of the chaos? Concerned about the rise in white nationalism? Fear for the environment? Send a message to Donald Trump and the GOP
Go the f*ck to vote.
Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfuckin’ GOP in this motherfuckin’ White House! Everybody strap in! We’re about to open some fuckin’ windows!!
I hope the powers that be are also working on a massive GOTV effort with carpools and registration assistance to maximize the vote and the message.
And bring that O’Reilly cracker some mutherfuckin Iced Tea.
I’m a fan of Ezekiel 23:20 myself.
haha. I bought the book for my daughter after Danny’s birth.
I hope we get a good turn out in GA
A better line for the Republicans when Jon Ossoff wins while they are busy fucking the country over.
Samuel L. Jackson: “Oh, I’m sorry! Did I break your concentration?”
And tell Miss Laura goodbye.
Or at least motherfucking snakes in the White House
There’s a motherfucking snake in the fucking White House! Vote, motherfucker! Vote for the motherfucking Democrat! Vote for Jon Fucking Ossoff! Go the fuck to vote!