Discussion: Safely Irrelevant, Ryan Says Trump Won't Win Reelection If Race Is About 'His Personality'

"If this is about Donald Trump and his personality, he isn’t going to win it,” Ryan said

And, it is if we include all his corrupt behavior.


Hmmmm…i am surprised that Ryan is making comments like this, since, as far as I can see, he wouldn’t recognize a “personality” if it came up and bit him.


A vague man offers a vague prediction…


But policy is hard and hugging flags is easy. When you develop policy you have to consider complex things, but when you hug flags your fans cheer and Libs get upset. It’s a no-brainer.


Ah, yes. Paul Ryan, policy wonk. Go wash some already clean pots, Paul.


Bye bye, safely irrelevant.

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Oh, please just STFU and do whatever has-been Repukes do for the rest of their lives.

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“The person who defines that race is going to win the race. If this is about Donald Trump and his personality, he isn’t going to win it,” Ryan said, according to TC Palm.

It’s not about his “personality,” it’s about his lack of any redeeming character traits and his astounding and belligerent ignorance. Oh, and his criminal behavior.


If the election is about making people’s lives better and promoting the general welfare, he won’t win. If the election is about restoring democracy, he won’t win. If the election is about protecting the environment, he won’t win. If the election is about advancing educational opportunities, he won’t win. If the election is about who gets the most votes being declared the winner, he won’t win.


It’s not one of those pageants where Donnie Moscow likes to walk in on underage girls or an episode of the effing Apprentice, Paul.


Boy, “Donnie Moscow” sounds like a name that could stick!


As Johnny Carson once famously said, ‘The charisma of a stump.’


Ryan was always a fake, and a shill for his masters. He pulled off the greatest theft while in office and gave away 2 trillion dollars a year to his masters, and is now rewarded for doing their bidding. He needs to be thrown on the scrap heap and compacted along with a copy of Atlas Shrugged, his bible.


Some? BS. Only 38% of voters think Trump should be reelected. The major announced and suspected candidates ALL beat Trump one on one. And part of it is your damnable tax cut for the wealthy and corporations.

I saw a Sling TV ad on cable this morning starting with “Didn’t get the usual tax refund? Save money with Sling TV”

When an ad for a product uses it…


Like purposely traumatizing innocent children, robbing the middle class, restarting the cold war, exploding the debt, taking kickbacks for executive decisions, handing national secrets to sworn enemies, ignoring climate change…

Okay. Let’s debate policy.


If this is about Donald Trump and his personality, he isn’t going to win it,” Ryan said, according to TC Palm.

Yes, I don't think there's any damned way the electorate would vote for someone if they knew ahead of time he was a lying racist xenophobe with heavy misogynistic behaviors. Wouldn't happen.

In the Prick Olympics, Rump definitely takes Gold in “self serving.” Ryan is a top contender for Silver.

About which “policies” does Ryan want Rump make the election? Ryan’s tax cut, Ryan’s shutdown over the wall and Ryan’s other shutdown when the Grand Old Politburo controlled the entirety of Washington.


Says the DB with no personality …

Paul who?

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