Discussion: Saddle Up: Firebrand Sheriff Standing By His Call For ‘Pitchforks And Torches’

Let me understand this: A person who takes an oath of office to uphold the law is calling for an insurrection? He must be related to Kim Davis.


This, btw, shows exactly how lax background checks for gun purchases are.


It would have been if the British had packed up and left. Clarke would contend the U.S. government has that option, I guess. Just make every decision a national referendum where 130 million voters cast a ballot. Do you want to replace that bridge between Louisville, KY and Jeffersonville, IN? Have a vote. Nuke Moscow? Be sure Cleetus and Verleen in Reno have some say in the matter.

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Does anyone else find it completely ironic that a black man is calling for mob rule? Maybe Sheriff Clarke should read up on his history. Some of his ancestors may well have suffered at the hands of a crowd armed with pitchforks and torches. “Stockholm Syndrome” at its finest, I suppose.


I’ll be dating her in ten years.


I ‘like’ the part where he totally ignores Shay’s Rebellion and Whiskey Rebellion, because American history sucks for RWNJ’s.


“No, what they wanted was self-rule, they wanted a government controlled by the people and not the bureaucrats in Washington.”

But the people DO control the bureaucrats in Washington! Year after year they vote for people who hate government and year after year they wonder why people who hate government aren’t fixing government?!?

You don’t need pitchforks, just vote for the people who actually DO understand how government works.


barely paid for that…

People are often unaware that the Continental Congress often had issues with the budget.

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Well, Shurf, somebody already took a torch to the NC GOP office. Howz that rebellion working for you?

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Can someone in Milwaukee let me know if this guy is somehow related to Michael McGee?

I could see this being some dipshit encouraging all this so the likes of McGee and his disciples could get the race war they’ve been so desperate for.

Now, now. Let’s not read too much into this. It’s October. He’s just pointing out that it’s late harvest time in Wisconsin. Torches to burn the remaining stocks to the ground to fertilize next year’s crops. Pitchforks to, well, pitch stuff. I’m sure the Founding Fathers did the same thing in the 1770s. /s


I wonder if the photographer who Clarke stole that picture contacted him…

“Were they inciting violence?”

Yes. Yes they were. They were sending history’s most legendary fuck you letter to their king. They were very deliberately inciting violence and absolutely acknowledged and knew beyond any doubt that violence was a guaranteed consequence of their actions and the necessary means to their end.

They understood that violence is inherent in what they were doing, and in everything the angry Teatrolls are shouting about, which is why they took it all so very very seriously and did not throw around calls for revolt and revolution lightly, like angry Teatrolls do whenever they’re afraid they aren’t going to get their way in an election.


When did firebrand come to equal idiocy? I missed that email.

Incitement to riot isn’t on any AG’s screens?

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If media outlets would act responsibly and quit giving this nut a platform, he would be yelling out his basement window and no one would care.

I’m talking to you, TPM, and all the rest. There is other worthy news out there. This guy is extremely dangerous but not without you. You’re the biggest part of problem.

Stop it!

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They had issues with just about every aspect of their operations. The British merely provided a timely clusterf**k of an opposing force or we’d never had prevailed. The British barely had their hearts in the war. Makes sense, the rabble they were trying to keep control of eventually nominated Donald Trump for the Presidency. Must have been like herding diseased, flea infested feral cats. Then and now.


… some “firebrand” needs to lose his job - a.s.a.p…

“In a blog post on Patheos and an interview on Fox News, Clarke insisted he was speaking rhetorically and not calling for an actual armed takeover of the U.S. government…”

…because that would be a crime, punishable by time in prison.

He added: (wink, wink, nudge, nudge.)

Because that, according to the Constitution, requires the testimony of two witnesses. Oh, wait. We have that, and more.

Good question. I guess the President must be in on it. Yeah, that’s the ticket.


speaking rhetorically? rhetoric is not an excuse.

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