Discussion for article #244127
Maybe they can call it “The Temple of Insurrectionist Treason.”
Display case. Flag. Close. Lock. Click.
Thank you very much.
You don’t need $3-5 million to display a flag.
They can even support a fellow bigot. Shadow Box on sale at Hobby Lobby, $34.99 marked down to $17.50.
I’m fine with this if they also include in this little exhibit the shooting and its origins in the KKK and Aryan Nation organizations that arose from those who want to refight the Civil War.
South Carolina refuses to extend Medicaid to benefit its poor, black, white and other citizens, using federal dollars under the ACA. But the legislature will willingly, if not enthusiastically spend $3.6 million to preserve and proudly display the symbol of treason and racial bigotry and to celebrate the individuals who died making war against the U.S. in an effort to preserve the enslavement of other human beings.
Only in America. . .
And, how is this a better solution? There are locals trying to remove the Confederate statue from the local courthouse lawn and put it “indoors”. Spend more taxpayer money when it doesn’t cost anything right now (as long as no one vandalizes it, which was done over the summer)? You can bet it will still be on SC Gummint grounds so who won?
Just sell sponsorship rights at $1k per, allowing sponsors to have their names embossed on a big bronze plaques.
And when their grandchildren want to get their names removed, $2k.
It would be interesting to know just how old the physical flag is. I can’t imagine it’s more than a couple of months considering my parents put flags out and they have to replace them constantly.
As well as claim their “sincerely held beliefs”
You won’t be assaulted by it just walking down the street. You don’t have to see it if you don’t want to. And by displaying it in the Relic Room, it becomes a part of history where it belongs rather than part of the present. True, 3.6 mil to display a flag is well over the top, but it’s still an improvement. Maybe someday everybody will recognize that the history that flag belongs to is not a proud one. Maybe. Someday.
The Relic Room will also display historic inaugural gowns
(Even those purchased in expectation but never actually worn to a ball.)
Tax and spend Republicans.
Exactly. I say South Carolinians have paid more than enough for that thing over the generations.
You could get Teahadders and KKK to privately fund a big display, but that’s probably not good policy. I can imagine Upchuckabee giving shameful TV pitches about $$$ for heritage, though.
Now we revere traitors to the country, South Carolina?
I regret that there will be no more talk of a rotating first lady. Funniest damn thread that ever was complete with a few images including a woman on a rotisserie spit.
Here’s an idea: how about they spend those millions on real Americans in need instead of glorifying dead revolutions?
Jeeze, the Nazis weren’t even traitors and their “heritage” isn’t celebrated in Germany…or here in the US ( besides the rebel flaggers that is).