Discussion: S.C. Bill Would Create Refugee Registry, Let Police To Track Them

This is patently illegal and unconstitutional and will be struck down by the Courts.

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You betsha.

I’m not as concerned with the Irish people who came here 4 generations ago as I am about the Irish people who created a particular one almost 51 years ago.

[quote=“system11111, post:1, topic:31976, full:true”]one Republican state senator who voted for the bill expressed concern that the registry would be available on the Internet. State Sen. Katrina Shealy said the public should not be able to access the information, “especially people that would be out looking for refugees to even harm them or something”
Well, Katie, that’s the whole point. The government can’t oppress these people all by itself…Republicans spent too many years de-funding and de-populating it. They need the helpful sovereign citizens of welcoming state of South Carolina (we shoot up churches, too!!) to step in and lend a hand.

And we can’t track the guns sold to the people who will shoot the people we are tracking. It’s the Circle of Life!

Well, tell South Carolina Bill (whoever he is) that what he really needs is a registry to track white supremacist radicalized home-grown Christianic extremist terrorists.

Money for schools, you say? Well, you know we’ve got this Obama economy, and the state’s broke, so sorry, but no. Money to track Muslims? Oh, hell yes! How much do you need? Are you sure that’s enough? Let’s add 20%, and let me introduce you to my friend who owns a terrific data center.

Just like sex offenders.