Discussion for article #245304
Mein Kampf supporter rises from the ashes…
Even without reading the bill, you know it’s a fucked-up right-wing ploy. Because South Carolina.
welcome to amerikkka… the nypd is already tracking your vehicles nationwide:
and then, of course, there’s the nsa compiling all of your data searches, credit card purchases, telephone calls…
They sure do like spending taxpayer money. If this passes it will cost the state a ton in the court system.
Wouldn’t it be EASIER and CHEAPER to make all those “Mooslums” wear yellow felt Crescents on their clothing? You know, so “Real Americans” can identify them and know EXACTLY who to be afraid of, and “exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights” on.
“When Fascism comes to America it will come wrapped in the Flag and carrying a Cross”.
More state money wasted losing a court battle (if it goes that far) with the Federal government.
Don’t like the Federal government telling you what to do? Stop taking $5.38 from the Feds for every dollar in Federal income taxes your state sends in.
$5.38 per dollar. That is the greediest teat-sucking of all the 50 states.
Is this just more political fear mongering at the expense of innocent muslim refugees? Additional information that might be helpful in this article is explaining how refugees are currently processed and tracked through the Department of Immigration. What does this singular state legislation propose to do beyond what is already being done? Does the state currently have ready access to Federal immigration data?
Gee “Fourth Generation” and still not an American! Don’t you believe in assimilation or is that just for brown skinned people?
So…we can track people but not guns? And we cannot track the guns that might be sold to the people we are tracking? WTF.
Imagine if even 10% of republicans took 1 day out of their week away from being shit-scared and angry and put that same effort into productively solving real problems in the world…whoops…I’m awake again!
“If you let in the wrong Irishman–I’m fourth generation– if you let in the wrong Irishman the downside is really not that serious, okay,”
Look, I’m Irish, 3rd gen, and even I know that’s fucking nonsense.
The only reason this racist asshat considers it ok to generalize all Muslims with ISIS, but not ok to generalize all Irish with the PIRA is because something something brown people.
What’s next, tattoos?
If I were a refugee, I’d go buy a gun. Because then, a registry would be the last thing they’d want.
From the article:
The bill would require refugees to register with the state within 30 days of their arrival, and then their information – including their addresses – would be shared with law enforcement and made available online, according to the AP.
Apparently they propose to register and make publicly available all the refugees’ personal data so it is available for every Forester, Wallace, and Jim Bob who has got himself a new set of white sheets.
This is some half-assed shit right here. If they really wanted to protect these refugees and provide them with Amurikkkan hopitality, then we should be putting them in small, self-contained special communities surrounded by barbed wire fencing to keep out all the people that are trying to harm them. It’s the only way to make sure they feel safe and welcome.
would set up a registry of every refugee in the state and allow police to track them,
I love it when the US starts enacting Soviet style programs! At what point can we change our flag too?
Because … freedom!