Discussion: Ryan: Trump Mass Deportation Plan Not The 'Right Thing To Do' (VIDEO)

Trump: Lyin Ryan thinks he can steal my thunder in Cleveland.

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Even when he’s criticizing Trump, Paul Ryan is normalizing him. The message is “sure, Donald Trump is a crazy bigot - but that’s all right. Don’t worry, it’s safe to vote for him. Hey, I’m going to!”

Trump still looks like a hopeless long-shot, but if he has any chance it’ll be thanks to people like Ryan. Unforgivable.


I understand that Republicans can disagree with Hillary on tax policy, on regulation, and various other priorities, but Trump is so outside the mainstream of American values that supporting him should be unthinkable for anyone who truly loves this country.


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It’d be easier for Ryan if he just listed the 2-3 things he agreed with Trump with, and a simple statement for the rest, like:

“Everything else that comes out of Trump’s mouth is batshit crazy”

He can even make it into a meme pic and post it every time Trump opens his mouth. That’d make things sooo much more efficient for Ryan!

Never let it be said that I’ve never helped Republicans out.


Even after Trump has been turned back into a mean, angry old crazy man fending off the growing pile of well-earned indictments and lawsuits after a career spent fucking people over, the normalization of crazy bigotry in whatever’s left of, or replaces, the Republican Party will continue.

Man oh man, are they going to have to stock up on extra Profile in Courage Award trophies this year. It’s just been the greatest year of courageous unpopular stands against a mounting tide of self-evident evil ever, I’m here to tell you.


Ryan will still give Trump of full on wet sloppy tongue bath at the convention.

He is NOT going to follow the leader of the Republican Party on everything. That’s interesting. He says mass deportation is not the “right thing to do” yet has no plan or recommendation to solve the issue. And says he still supports DJT.

“Instead, Ryan said that the country needs to secure the border and initiate “reforms that get people out of the shadows and get right with the law.””

Sooooooo…what Obama’s been saying and you’ve been blocking for 8 years?

Fucking crap it’s hard not to use the c-word…

/puts dollar in the jar

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4 Years = 1,460 days = 35,040 hours

11,000,000 / 35,040 hours = 314

Would one single goddamned journalist ask Trump or anyone else in the GOP the precise logistics of locating, transporting and forcing 314 people per hour across the border, every hour of every day, 24/7 for 4 years? And if they push back and counter he’ll have 8 years to do it, reply “OK, explain how you’ll deport 157 every hour of every day, 24/7, for 8 years?”

Fricking elementary math should shut down the conversation. Somebody do it. Oh, and every day starting with the inauguration you don’t deport at that pace the number per hour needed to do it rises. While we’re talking, factor that in too.

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In Trumpland, you deport 5 and then the other 10,999,995 stand up and say, “hey, President Trump is really serious about this (and no doubt really good in bed too), I’m gonna self-deport.”

Problem solved.

You mean COWARD?

Like this?

“I don’t think rounding up 11 million people A, is the right thing to
do, B, would work,” Ryan said during a CNN town hall. “And I don’t think
you’d like to see what we’d have to do to the country to do that.”
Did you just now figure this out Paulie?
Ryan, why don’t you just speak some truth and say that deporting 11 million people, building a wall and making Mexico pay for it, calling Mexicans rapists, verbally abusing a Hispanic judge… would be anti-American on its face. The GOP has many times whined that Obama is some kind of tyrant. Are they blind to what trump is spewing?

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A Hitler oopsie?

I wonder if Paul Ryan would describe the genocide of the Armenians as “Possibly a bad idea”.

Ryan: playing the role of the adult in the GOP room. It’s easy enough to do. You just walk back the really crazy stuff that your fellow-partiers say, then you throw out a couple of long-standing talking points, then turn around and walk off. Nothing risked, no action required. Done.