Time to dust off the magic asterisks, and get a cold Molsons, eh?
Ryan will spend every day of his tenure as Speaker lying to the American electorate, his fellow Republicans, and himself. Boehner must change his pants five times a day laughing until he pisses himself.
After having so many legislative successes in the first part of this year, tax reform should be a breeze. If he believes anything he’s saying, you’ve really got to wonder what he’s been smoking.
I had no idea that Ryan was a comedian.
Because how hard can it be? It isn’t as if there could be some unforeseen impacts of anything they do. It’s more important to do something–anything at all-- than to do something that will make life better for Americans.
I would imagine they will get something that will lower taxes on the wealthy, but I think a significant tax overhaul by the end of the year is a bridge too far. Their party is just too divided.
He said the party plans to unveil its plans later this month and the goal will be to bolster economic growth.
Translation: Supply-side economics!
And I really like the dodge on whether the bill will increase federal deficits. Classic Ryan.
If it increases the federal deficit, doesn’t that disqualify it from being “revenue neutral”? And if it is not “revenue neutral”, how do they expect to enact it via their reconciliation plans to keep out the Democrats from being able to vote against it since, without reconciliation, any bill would require 60 votes for passage? I can see a few traitorous Dems - ya hear me, Manchin and you other fucks? - joining the GOP on this, but not 8 of them.
I know I am probably wrong about this, so I know that others here far more knowledgeable about Congressional budget rules than me can explain it to me. After all, “Mongo only pawn in game of life”. (H/T: Mel Brooks)
Magic numbers, florid forecasts, and ever-expanding windows in which everything can balance out – from ten years to twenty, or hell, why not a century?
Have you noticed how each huge ticket item they announce they are going to “overhaul” they go into with something close to no plan whatsoever? Or no plan they are willing to admit to?
This seems problematic. (full snark)
Oh, and they’ve still got El Buffo waiting in the wings to undermine them by promising everyone the moon and/or calling their plan “mean” at any given moment.
While your point is definitely valid, one needs to take several giant steps backwards and look at the whole picture before diving into that specific detail.
There is literally no tax plan draft document making its way around Congress. Congress has, what, maybe 6? more weeks before they start leaving for their holidays? And yes, the CR and debt ceiling both have to be dealt with in December, too.
And this idiot is going to give a statement like this???
If they started work on this today, they MIGHT have a bill to discuss next June. MAYBE. And that would be working overtime for this bunch. By the end of this year? They won’t even have broad strokes traced out on the back of Ryan’s favorite bar napkin by then.
Trump: This tax cut will stop all future hurricanes, automatically balancing our budget.
FOX: It will also make all homosexual deviants to become straight, overnight.
Can’t argue with that.
And they had 7 years to get a plan ready for the repeal and replacement of the ACA and ended up wallowing in shit. But they’ve been screaming about “tax reform!” and “tax breaks that stimulate the economy and jobs and unicorns and sparkle ponies!!!” for decades, and the bastards don’t even have THAT ready?!
And people here call the Dems incompetent?
In the battle for the soul - such as it is - of Paul Ryan, the Ayn Rand philosophy has pulled ahead of Roman Catholic Christianity. Stay tuned for further updates as this race unfolds. Bets are being entertained…
No you won’t, you scroungy little fucker. You won’t steal my money and give it to the rich. And if you do…well we will just have to ROAST and EAT those rich pricks on their front lawns. So go ahead you little prick.
“The Republican Party believes that government doesn’t work. Every once and a while they get a chance to prove it.” (or something to this affect)
P.J. O’Rourke, a Republican
Maybe he inherited and has been wearing Scalia’s Opus Dei-approved underwear and the chafing is getting to him…
Ryan: GOP Goal To Have Tax Overhaul Enacted Into Law By End Of Year
There are some big expenses coming up…
What with clean up from hurricanes and all ----
The .01% shouldn’t have to help pay for infrastructure and stuff ’ other ’ people use …
After all —