Brietbart: Ryan doesn’t know where is happy place is. Steven King will be our choice for the speaker and we will make sure that happens.
After Comey’s mic drop, a House change would be quite a feat.
Future former Rep. Issa: I look forward to voting to re-select Paul Ryan as SotH. We’re going to get a lot accomplished!
“Et tu, Jason Chaffetz?”
Hey, remember when Ryan was a VP candidate?
Neither does anyone else.
“I feel very good where I am,” Ryan said after giving a speech at the local GOP office in Racine, Wisconsin
“Pay no attention to the bulletproof vest”, he added
That’s the stuff, Paul! No more sad eyes—turn that frown upside down!
The only thing protecting Paulie’s walnuts right now is the fact that Mark Meadows and the other brave members of the white “free, dumb” caucus all want to be king-makers, not the king
I am looking forward to him reaching his ultimate goal … house minority leader.
There’s always Chaffetz…lol.
The former member of the tribe (Chaffetz) is a member of the Establishment (Republican Study Committee) and not the “free, dumb” caucus, so his Speakership candidacy is a non-starter.
Ryan is a joke and a laughing stock. A Ken-doll like pretty face and steroid-addled muscle head that is the Koch brothers’ favorite brown noser. Sadly, Donald Trump and Mike Pence were both right about him being sleazy and incompetent. He is more incompetent than John Boehner.
“Ryan’s reluctant support of Donald Trump.”
Trump is a giant, indelible, neon tattoo the GOP inked on its forehead during a meth binge.
And no amount of laser surgery will ever remove the stain.
From now on, every Republican who supported Trump is stuck wearing that humiliating indiscretion.
To every single job interview.
For the rest of their political lives.
Don’t worry, Hollywood is bound to do a “Munster’s” movie, sooner or later. You would be a logical choice to reprise your original role.
They don’t call him lyin’ ryan for nothing,
Doesn’t mean he won’t keep trying. I’d forgotten that Chaffetz was once the spokesman for a MLM, but it fits with his MO: hard sell 24/7 without a single momentary onset of dignity.
If he is going to lose his Speakership, I’d like to see it happen the old-fashioned way with the good people of Wisconsin running him out of town on a rail.
I wish we could bounce that little toad. He’s horrible.
I thought this guy didn’t even want to be Speaker. He was just doing it because nobody else wanted the job. Now he’s all gung-ho.
Oh, ya, Ryan was a VP candidate. That was hilarious!!