Discussion: Ryan Contradicts Trump: Robert Mueller Is Not 'A Biased Partisan'

Ryan concluded: “We want to spend our time focusing on solving people’s problems.”

So, does that mean he and the rest of the republicans will resign, for the good of the country?

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Gee, what a ballsy guy that Ryan is!

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Ryan is certainly hellbent on destroying Healthcare, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Sounds a bit like he is planning to nuke the United States. It is hard to fathom the after effects. It won’t be pretty and most likely plenty dangerous.


According to Donald Trump ANYONE who has EVER donated to any Democratic Politician ESPECIALLY HILLARY is compromised and cannot be trusted.

You know, like that guy Donald J. Trump who donated to Hillary’s Senate run.


Between Newt and Denny Hastert, I thought Boehner was respectably mediocre.


And he left something out the sentence
“We want to spend our time focusing on solving rich people’s problems of paying too much tax.”
It’s really the only problem that needs to be solved"


“We want to spend our time focusing on solving people’s problems.”

By killing them.


There was only one Republican who served as Speaker between 1931 and 1995 and I have no memory of him. After that, there was Gingrich, Hastert, Boehner, and Ryan. Not much to choose from there, If I had to pick the best of a bad lot, I’d go with Boehner. No one who calls Steve King an asshole can be all bad.


These people might’ve been chosen because of their past donations to give the air of fairness to the investigation. Remember, the only people who keep bringing those donations up are Republicans. The reason they do that might differ from the real reason we think they do. I’m just trying to keep an open mind. After all, Morgan Stanley said quite a while back that there’s zero chance of Trump being impeached. I’d like to know why they’re so confident.


OT… Reince sidelined (Politico article embedded in the tweet).

@daveyjones64, I remember you suggesting right after the Mooch hiring the next one out might well be Reince. Sounds like that’s happening now.


Corporations = people. The Supreme Court told us so.

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His statement is nowhere near strong enough. He needs to make it clear to Trump that firing Mueller would result in impeachment. (OK, I know he wouldn’t use that word.) Otherwise, Trump is apt to roll Ryan with a fair accompli.


If there’s one thing contemporary history shows us, it’s that a society built around rentier behavior is stable, democratic, cares for its people, and ensures that everybody gets what they earn.


They are going to go there kicking and screaming and certainly not in response to pleading from the rest of us, but it’s going to be really hard for Republicans to let Trump give Putin the keys to the kingdom. Crowing about his “unfettered” power to pardon himself and his family members did him no favors.

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I have a pretty good idea of precisely what internal candidate Scaramucci is talking about.

Scarmucci himself.


“The point is, we have an investigation in the House, an investigation in the Senate, and a special counsel, which sort of depoliticizes this stuff, and gets it out of the political theater,” Ryan continued. “That is, I think, better, to get this off to the side. I think the facts will vindicate themselves. And then, let’s just go do our jobs.”

The facts will vindicate themselves.

They sure as Hell won’t vindicate Trump, nor his corrupt self-dealing brood, nor Speaker Vidkun Ryan and his collection of craven lickspittle opportunists in Congress.


Ryan sounds oddly reasonable because the Republicans just look at Trump as a vehicle. They don’t trust him at all, but if he’ll move their bills then they’ll support him. As a vehicle, however, Trump’s now got three wheels blown out by stop-sticks, his rims are sparking down the highway, and he’s blowing oil like a destroyer putting out a smoke screen. So of course Ryan wants to move Trump off to the break-down lane and let Bob “The Mechanic” Mueller take over. Ryan wants to cut taxes for his wealthy benefactors and screw the average joe.


Personally I’d just as soon Ryan say this as to have to listen to him defend Trump.


At first I thought Ryan was showing evidence of a spine. Upon reflection, I think your conclusion that there’s a political angle is more likely.