WTF would you know about “honesty, integrity” you Koch Bros lickspittle??
This is a disgusting response - not surprising, just disgusting. Ryan has kids who will be heading to college before he knows it. Can’t he identify as a father with the crimes perpetrated against these young OSU athletes?
Just when you think DipShit Ryan couldn’t sink any lower…
I’m in Canada and I can smell the hypocrisy from here.
I’m happy Ryan embraces Jordan … Give him a big hug on national television, Paul, to show you mean it…
This was expected. All I want to know now is, will this ever prompt those wrestler dudes to rethink the GOP universe they have long lived in?
Rhetorically asked.
With respect to ethics, the Ethics Committee here investigates things that members do while they’re here
Such as calling their former students liars?
GOP Ethics Committee = oxymoron.
I’ve always known Jim to be a man of honesty and integrity.
So you don’t know him.
Shorter Paul Ryan: “seriously, why is this a big deal? I back Trump and he’s done WAAAY worse stuff than Jordan.
“I’d only care if a Democrat did this stuff.”
Yeah that’s what I thought…
I hope there’s plenty of vid of these kinds of statements for after the fall…
The odds are low:
Ever notice that almost every Republican that gets in legal trouble hardly ever mounts a real legal defense with real non-shyster attorneys? Instead they almost always mount PR campaigns while “stonewalling” and “circling the wagons” with their co-miscreants.
Any Democrat in a similar situation would be gone by now and preparing an actual legal defense.
As one piece of trash said about another piece of trash - ‘Looks good to me"
Welp, if Paul Ryan says it, I guess that’s it.
That pretty much sums up today’s GOP.
Dang it’ll be funny when regular Rs get stabbed in the back again by the reactionary caucus after sticking out their necks for them.