Discussion: Ryan And Meadows Erupt Into Shouting Match On House Floor Over Immigration

They’re the FreeDUMB KKKauKKKus!


“flamboyant absence of self-awareness”.
Some of them really do.

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Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose.


Polls show 28-29% of Latinos voted for Trump.
Maybe this minority is persuadable in 2020.

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Mark Meadows thinks he already lives in Gilead. Paul Ryan thinks we have a way to get there. Round em’ up, move 'em out.


my faith has comforted me these past days. I follow all the horrendous. policies. of. Trump and his supporters. suffice to say faith is all I have left. My mother. taught me. Justice. is the Lords. Therefore. the Gospels of Jesus Christ will prevail
I have never been a zealot. but I am about Trump. he is an evil force


[quote=“richardinjax, post:21, topic:73827”]
Ryan was young enough to think he could save the world.

I think you’re being a bit too generous - as a follower of Ayn Rand, I suspect Ryan saw an opportunity for himself- wealth and power. He’s been content to dance with the Freedom Caucus for years, but has finally realized that they consider him, and anyone that doesn’t agree with them, as expendable.


Freedom from taxation and government regulation. Freedom to own as many machine guns as you can afford. Freedom to drive the biggest gas guzzler you can finance. Freedom to consume as much as you like whenever you like and to deny others from consuming stuff you don’t approve of. Freedom to support the troops and avoid service yourself. Freedom from information.


Not only did way too many Latinos vote for PP, but African Americans didn’t turn out for Clinton. As of today, PP’s approval rating 42.5% and it’s never been much higher. Only the hardcore morons cling to him.


I applaud and agree with your enthusiasm regarding the lady from my district.

How the bills fare Thursday will be a direct reflection on the power of President Donald Trump to unite his fractured party.

And now we know why Trump is Tweeting about not even wanting the vote.




You got apples and oranges going on here. The bottom pic is of course Elian Gonzalez whose story is far more complicated than stormtroopers pointing a gun at him in a closet. His Cuban Americans relative in FL were using him to get publicity for themselves and make anti-Castro statements while his father back home was pleading to send him home (he’d come on a raft with his mother, mother died, the boy landed in FL). This was a case of reuniting a child with his father, which did eventually happen, and the father was grateful, and expressed his gratitude to the American people.


It’s true. Latinos are a Catholic cohort first, and Democrats (or Rs) second.


It’s pretty scary that 42.5% of Americans are hard-core morons!


Welcome to the Idiocracy.


You mean your faith is based on a book that says it’s fine to stone to death a disobedient child (Deuteronomy 21:21)? Or that your slaves should be obedient and circumcised? Or that women are less than men? Or that a talking snake convinced an evil woman to trick her naked partner into eating forbidden fruit which resulted in the fall of the entire human race? Or that in Hosea 13:16 god slaughters pregnant Samarians, infants and fetuses because god is miffed? You mean that faith?


“How the bills fare Thursday will be a direct reflection on the power of President Donald Trump to unite his fractured party.”
Well, good luck with that, America!


Trump can’t even win a staring contest with a child. The expression on his face is all wrong. He’s not a benevolent father figure, indulgently smiling down on a child; he’s in his own head, thinking

“Look how small she is. Barely comes up to my tie. I can take her. I just wonder if she’s old enough to be conned by my usual schtick. Let Ivanka take this one, the kid needs a break from the beating in the press she’s been taking recently. Can’t say I don’t look out for family.”

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It would be nice if the media would stop referring to this as a “compromise” bill.

The only compromise here is between Republicans; no Democrats were involved in writing this bill at all. It’s a Republican bill, and as it happens, there is also a Democratic bill as well.