Discussion: Ryan And Meadows Erupt Into Shouting Match On House Floor Over Immigration

Only one solution: Thunderdome.


I’ve never been optimistic about the viability of a third party, no matter its makeup. They tend to act as spoilers (Nader, Perot), and its candidate will never be elected president because that candidate will never get the 270 or so EC’s needed. We’ve seen what a third party did in Maine, it brought them LePage, elected by a minority, and even they have gone to ranked choice which is what’s used here.

Rather than checking a box for just one candidate, voters rank all candidates in order of preference. If a candidate earns a majority of the votes, he or she wins. If not, the candidate with the fewest first-choice votes is eliminated, and his or her ballots get redistributed to whomever those voters ranked second. If another round is needed, the process continues, eliminating the candidate with the next fewest votes, until one candidate has a majority.


The article originally identified Ryan as a Democrat from Wisconsin. They corrected it.


And a talking donkey. Don’t forget about that. (Numbers 22:28)

According to Politico, it is unclear exactly what Meadows’ anger stemmed from…

It’s quite clear to me. Meadows is an angry white man who sees the day when he and his fellows become a minority in this country and they are running scared. He’s a Tea Party nut who managed to win a seat in Congress; let’s see to it that he and his cronies are defeated next November.


I myself am partial to bears, given that I am follicle-challenged [2 Kings 2:23-24]

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Gentlemen, gentlemen, can’t you both agree to keeping a traitor to the American people in power? Where’s the spirit of greed?

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Well said Sir or Madame.

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Feelin’ good was easy when Barry sang the blues…


false equivalency got us into this nightmare

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Don’t be a mean-spirited moron. The Republicans are doing enough in that area already. They don’t need any help in making tribalisms.


Can’t agree with you here.

I’d far rather see conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans and get some good things done (like it used to work), than the current ideological idiocy and get no good things done. (Or if they are, overturned when the Other Party gets in power – I’m tired of Americans playing Guelphs and Ghibellines.)



“How much taller does she have to get before I can take her furniture shopping?”

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I think Kevin McCarthy, once considered too dumb for the job, is now the heir apparent when Ryan scuttles out the door.

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I’ve often thought that you don’t just need a third party but a third and fourth party,ideally two on each side of the spectrum. Actual fully realized party’s not factions within a party.

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Wasn’t there an Elmo-related scandal a few years ago where some of the Elmos were programmed to utter profanities? Or was that some other talking toy?


No. Of course that’s not what she means, and you know it. No need to be crude and disrespectful of other people’s faith.

Anyway, your references are from the old testament and she says follows the new. So, even your insults were based on misinformation.

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May it start a trend that grows into a trickle, then a flood.


Yes Elmo

Thank you (and it’s Madam :slight_smile: )

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