Discussion: Russians Hacked DNC Computers To Steal Opposition Research On Trump

How so?

And easy to blackmail with enough oppo-research should they fear he becomes President. What we know, that the Russians don’t know apparently, is that this man will never become President of the U.S. If anything, all they’ve gotten is enough information on him to deny him a casino license in Moscow or the ability to purchase land for a golf course in St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad).


He just gave a speech covering everything from Orlando, pivoting to gun control, and then to the fight against Daesh where he utterly destroyed the GOP and especially The Dumkopf on all of their silly little points. He especially roasted the whole “why won’t he call it Radical Islammmmmmmm?” meme, making a forceful argument that Magic Words won’t defeat Daesh and defending our constitutional principles and liberties from the Islamophobic Republicans.

There will be a story on this very soon, I am sure of it. He was quite animated and unloaded hard on the GOP.


or just to know…I imagine Putin might enjoy playing him…pres or no…

Putin is angry that his BFF Trump will not share his beauty tips?


What’s scary here is that the hackers had been in the party’s systems (or part of them) for a year before they were detected. I should have thought that the Dems would have pretty high-level security in place. So, what happened? Was the party too cheap to pay for first-class security, was the contractor incompetent (or worse), or are the Russians that much ahead of those who try to counter them?


I think you mean fusillade, but full fuselage works too.


Edward Snowden is Putin’s IT guy.

I’m sure any information has already been “shared” ~blush!~



This is bang on! And it goes further: hacking DNC files simply CAN NOT ‘uncover’ the sort of oppo intel that a POLITICAL CAMPAIGN is doing on any comprehensibly meaningful way.

This may remind many of us of the inane motives behind the first of the two Watergate break-ins at the DNC’s HQ there in the context of the 1972 presidential election (the first one to rifle and bug the place, the second to remove or replace bugs and wipe traces of the earlier break-in). Quite apart from the fact that Nixon wasn’t remotely likely to face a serious challenge from McGovern or probably any Dem candidate that in incumbency cycle. the mind boggles at the level of bent and twisted paranoia that would project onto the Democratic party anything like the Republican sides history of ‘October surprises’. It just showed how little Nixon and his CREEPies understood the party of which Will Rogers’s joke went,

‘I’m not a member of any organized political party - I’m a Democrat.’

For at least half a century now, the Democratic party has functioned very differently from the RNC, in terms of centrality of nation campaign strategies, and it’s supposedly most-central organizational hub reflects that. Indeed, I would argue that the success of Dem candidates like Clinton and Obama in particular is at least partly owing to them NOT being tied in intimately to the DNC, in their INITIAL election efforts at least.

Crikey, even hacking into the traditionally more top-down organizational model of the RNC wouldn’t be very if at all useful to any opposing group, because GOP campaign strategies and GOTV organization is conducted almost entirely outside the RNC (AEI, Heritage, the Cato Institute, these days the Koch brothers and their affinity group, a staggering array of right wing designer media, wank tanks and interest movements.

Also, as much as I agree the DNC would be way better off without Rep. DWS in its chair, that judgment goes to other issues: this ‘security breach’ is to some extent necessarily built into the shared-information system.

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Oops…you’re right. My bad. I’ve been on overload since the wkend. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.

Nice gif though.

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[quote=“old_curmudgeon, post:26, topic:39090”]…are the Russians that much ahead of those who try to counter them?

My bet is that they are very, very, good at what they do. Certainly better that many, if not most, private IT security contractors.

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Well, I sincerely hope our intel whizzes are, in turn, hacking into Putin’s enemies (in his case, most likely journalists) information cache.

Fuck Putin, whatever the grand-chessmaster bullshit he’s up to.

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Not only are we most likely hacking into Putin’s enemies but Putin and his sidekicks as well. Count on that. Its kinda what the CIA does…Its in their job description I believe.


But an offer of such info, passed secretly, would give a certain party an Austin Powers thrill and offer a bonding moment that might have been glimpsed through what, at the time, had been noted as a sort of out of the blue mancrush somewhat based on sharing a 60 Minutes episode.
But that hacked DNC oppo research in the oppo’s possession might also have engendered certain grandiose behaviors that, aside from Trump’s normal extreme self-possession, left pundits baffled…

Cue the question Regarding HRCs email server…

I wonder what kind of deal Trump made with the devil to get them to do that?

“Russians Hacked DNC Computers To Steal Opposition Research On Trump”

Faux News: “Clinton Sold Research on Trump to the Russians to Undermine His Presidency.”

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I’m betting the hacked material smelled of Manafart’s hairspray…

They may as well do oppo research on Romnerd or McLoser because they are as likely to be President as Trump is.

I think that Putin is just messing with Trump because he rolls like that. But really, why not just hack Trump directly? His business info has got be loaded with some rich details that Putin could use or just be amused with.
By hacking the DNC, I guess he feels that he is showing them who’s boss and getting some Trump goodies.

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