Discussion: Russian-Linked Hacker Publishes House Democrats' Stolen Personal Info

This proves that the hacker is a scumbag with no regard for human decency whatsoever.


Please explain how identifying the hacker is “getting down in the dirt” with them? Bluestatedon said we should identify him. If you have a better way of doing that, I’m all ears!


Paul Manafort at work!

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The FBI is reportedly investigating the DCCC hack.
As CNN reported late last month, U.S. officials tried to warn the DNC
about a possible cyber intrusion months before staffers acted to contain the threat.

Not biting on the sensationalizing.
The FBI used that interim to discover the extent of the hacks, the tools, the sources.
And with what has been divulged to date? The FBI did their job.
Very little usable info gleaned. And our intel agencies have logs of those hacks.
Pretty ham-handed stuff actually.




What NYT is reporting can be read as calming down the impulse to set the hair on fire. It’s not all good news but it’s not time to take to the bunker either.

The committee’s interim leader, Donna Brazile, created a special cybersecurity panel this week to guard against future attacks.

Much of the latest batch of documents from the House fund-raising committee, including overviews of particular races and campaigns, appeared largely innocuous in comparison to the D.N.C. breach. Beyond the cellphone numbers and email addresses for Democratic lawmakers, the latest release also included passwords for some internal databases.

Mrs. Clinton’s campaign files do not appear to have been directly breached in the cyberattack, but the personal accounts of some campaign officials might have been, and a voting analytics program used by the campaign was opened as part of the D.N.C. breach, officials say.


I was thinking much the same thing. Any US media that publishes or uses whatever information was gleaned from this hack using the passwords to get into emails, and uses it to attack any Democratic pol, is a willing accomplice, no different than the hacker that did the dirty deed. In this case, they are enabling a foreign gov’t if they do so…and should also be roundly condemned.

I would assume passwords and cell numbers have been changed by now, but its of little comfort that some in Congress had this information for a year (as a previous article indicated) so the gov’t could track the hackers without letting the DNC know what was going on much later.

I still don’t know what was so earth-shattering in terms of actual political damage that they seem to have achieved from this hack beyond being able to disseminate private personal information…which actually works against these hackers in the court of public opinion imo. So what if it led to DWS to step down…that was going to happen anyway. It just so happens it helped to make it happen earlier than planned. So, big whoop.


I’ll let him pick him San Francisco if this country agrees to nuke Slovenia in retaliation. When Mellie is back there on one of her visa update trips.


I think people aren’t thinking far enough here.

Ok, so they know Congress guy’s personal email and cell number.

This isn’t much of a release so who cares.

But now cross reference this new information with Ashley Madison dump, or whatever scat porn site, match.com user list, KKK membership list, or whatever.

Not saying this stuff is there, but it could be.


What damage has been done to date? I’ve heard of not one Democrat having their ID stolen due to this, or anything about unwanted charges.

The deal with DWS helped the Dems I’ll say in the long run and Hillary is stronger than ever.

This just seems like the classic Repub fuck up to me. They screw up every little dirty thing they try. They are the backfire kings.


For all of DWS’s warts?
(And none of that first email dump included anything of hers personally BTW.)
She managed to coordinate a beautiful, well-run, well-messaged convention.
The irony was the timing of her dismissal.

Can we rule out HRC or Kaine-- yes?
Then I’m thinking many down the food-chain learned from the John Edwards near-miss.

Any semi-prominent (D)s found to be putting their reputations on-the-line for something disreputable?
Out 'em. No problem on my part.
If you want to serve the public-- your life can easily become more public than is comfortable.
It’s up to the individual as to how uncomfortable.



Wait for the Trump Campaign asking for contributions…


Now we know from media reports the subjects of the hack were warned of it “months” in advance and that our intelligence services were “monitoring” the hack as it was happening. Debbie, now, seems more kabuki and media more prop and scenery…unless, the Russians, all along, just wanted to confirm our ability to monitor.


My point is just that it can’t be thought of as “It’s just emails and phone numbers”. Because those things are fairly unimportant on their own, but they can be keys to much more embarrassing info.


It is actually like the con job the climate change deniers pulled. Some emails within an entire universe of people expressing opinioin and emotion within a larger process (which includes voting) suddenly means that there is some nefarious conspiracy.

No matter the theory is ridiculous and childish. But now we found more hacked DNC stuff, which proves that the entire election is rigged, just like the primary was.

I actually am beginning to believe that Manafort and Trump are in strategic conversations with Putin.

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Nothing like conspiring with a foreign power to help swing a presidential election. Good work Trump!


And yes, you’re right. In the real world.
But this GE (and beyond I’ll bet)-- we’ve been transporter-ed to a parallel universe where anything that is thought unseemly or taboo? The threshold has already been breached-- by Trump and his surrogates.

Katrina Pierson for example.
Convicted shoplifter, who took $11K in Texas UI benefits while working for Ted Cruz in 2012.
You don’t get hired where I work with that boat-anchor background.

So, my point being-- that the bar for embarrassment as a political cudgel
is just an inch above ground in this new universe.



I hate it when I miss out… Government Of East Timor? Grand Old Ectopian Tumor? Godless Organic Excrement Tunnel?


(Ghost Of Eustace Tilley)
