North Carolina Republicans have not been having a good Infrastructure Week.
I’m glad the article mentioned the Blue Ridge Savings and Loan scandal, he had a few including with Asheville Savings and Loan.
Why did none of us have to even look at his party affiliation before reading the article? Hmmm…
"During his time in congress, Taylor was a strident backer of student exchange programs with Russia. " I wonder if Maria Butina was brought in as part of his programs. The connections of GOPers with the Russians are obviously numerous and crooked. He is probably just one of hundreds.
Could this be the unnamed bank in Mueller’s investigation?
Closer scrutiny seems prudent in this case.
A money-laundering Russian bank owned by a hard line Republican conservative. Why in the fuck am I able to type those words??
The headline made me wonder just what you have to do to get a license for money laundering in the first place.
It’s not easy. You have to master the water temperature settings, and choose the correct spin cycle.
Taylor bought CBI in 2003 alongside his business partner Boris Bolshakov, a former KGB agent and Supreme Soviet deputy…
What could possibly go wrong? Was Manafort a shareholder, as well?
I smell bacon; Kevin Bacon
This is all a big mistake. Taylor was merely enrolled in russia’s “Adopt a Congressman” program. He had no idea he was being manipulated by a former KKKBG agent. Witch Hunt!!!
So how outrageous did a bank had to be for the Russian Central Bank to close you down for money laundering?
It appears many Republicans and Russia are one in the same.
No. That bank has to be more than 50% owned by a government.
There is a “License for Money Laundering” ?
In Russia, money launders You
JHFC! Really? JHFC!
For the f-ing love of $$$. And your country be damned!
I think the Traitor-in-Chief has found his 2020 campaign slogan. I’d was going to say “I hope he at least pays you for your efforts,” but you and I both know he almost never pays what he owes.
Of course, Hitlary would be worse.
[Just to be clear: yes, I know you’re not a Cheetolini supporter.]