Discussion for article #225275
I am sure that they are so disappointed at not being able to enter Pootie-Poot’s Russia
Lynndie England’s trip to study baroque oil paintings in the Hermitage is cancelled, I suppose.
But really… is it likely that anyone of these people on either side are inconvenienced by this?
Well, there goes Congressman Moran’s plans for a dacha near Yekaterinburg…
You’re talking Romanovs, you sly dog.
Ha ha ha ha ha! There, see? Amerika has evildoers as well! They are just as bad as we are and totally hypocritical for trying to keep us from helping the poor innocent Russian victims of facism in Ukraine!
Weak. Amateur hour. They’re so deep in their own bullshit bubble that the really believe this will be seen as a major propaganda victory in the rest of the world.
No wonder Fox Republicans are so enthralled by Putin.
Wow! Remember the joke about first prize being a week in Philadelphia and second prize is 2 weeks in Philadelphia?
Not on this side. But there are apparently some real and serious consequences, mainly financial, for those we are banning from Russia.
Surely Fox News and Sarah Palin will spin this as a reflection on Moran’s manhood.
Lynndie England??
Hahahaha…I can’t even breath.
Who’s next? Corporal Klinger??
Personally–I would just like to see them ban ALL Russians. They are the juvenile delinquent of nations. I say this as a great fan of 19th century Russian Literature–I mean Raskolnikov killed two old ladies with an axe, and after finally confessing to the crime, gets 5 years in a Siberian labor camp. If you confessed to two first degree murders in this country, do you think you might get more than 5 years? I’m just saying…keep your vodka and your caviar.
They keep using that word ban, I do not think that it means what they think that it means.