Discussion: Rupert Murdoch Names Post-Roger Ailes Fox News Leadership

My understanding is one of the boys took over the helm (the top position, whatever they call it in their company) of actual U.S. FOX portion of the empire while the other now co-chairs some lesser (but still high up) position. Can’t remember which one of the boys is which. So, yeah, I’d suspect they were okay with this. I don’t know what to think of this move, really, other than the top people (the Murdochs) don’t really care how it’s run so long as they bring in the dough.

Honestly, I hope the channel is fully investigated for possible breaking of U.S. political campaign laws because I know of no other media/news organization that ran such an outfit, one where they would actually strategize on going after your political enemies, going so far as to plant lies in social media about them. These fuckers need to be taken down – ALL of them. I’d like to see the Murdochs’ citizenship revoked, throw their asses out of the country and dismantle FNC.


I was hoping they’d name Sean Hannity. With his intellect, he’d find a way to run Fox completely off the rails.


Memo to Murdoch spawn:

Wanna’ change phuksnooze culture?

Gonna’ need ‘second-amendment solutions’.

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‘Hear, hear!!’

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I say you and I–as concerned, patriotic citizens–take our 2A rights with us to 30 Rock and go all the way up to FOX Entertainment floors … and save America. Let’s go purchase our guns in Florida so they have some ‘Stand Your Ground’ seal of approval. Since FOX is our enemy, they constantly lie about us, attack us, we’d just be standing our ground … right? (Snark, for all those who don’t understand that, even though this gay liberal can handle a gun quite well, I’m not planning nor do I suggest anyone do something like this).

Seriously, though, that’s one reason they have their studios in NYC – one of the cities with the strictest gun laws in the nation – because they are scared shitless of just such a scenario.

Always thought 30 Rock was nbc hq; doesn’t RMaddow always refer to phuksnooze as the bldg ‘across the streeet’?


LOL. Tells you how much I know about NYC. Yeah, I’ve heard her say that, but (for some reason) I thought she said they were across the hall … but your way makes much more sense because of the enormity of NBC and FOX wouldn’t fit on any one floor. D’oh (to me!). So, yeah, across the street sounds right. So, 40 Rock? or 50 Rock? LOL.

C’mon, TPM. Except for one sentence based on a Politico report, this is nothing but a press release. How about doing a little journalism and telling us something about Messrs. Shine and Abernethy.


Pay up.

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Don’t look to Rupert Murdoch to show integrity, The man is a scumbag. And he will appoint scumbags to protect his revenue. For Murdoch Fox is revenue. He does not give a damn about news values. His sons are not yet strong enough to put the boot to his ass. Be patient. they will do so soon.


(Excuse the OT) Panic attack. Panic attack. Did I just hear on All in With Chris Hayes that Trump is opening an office in Sarasota?

Nah, he was way too busy finding and fondling his next trophy wife.

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Ailes will be kept on retainer to show the kids how it’s done and also how all of the video equipment works, in record and playback.

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