Discussion: Rudy Giuliani Calls Stormy Daniels' Lawyer An 'Ambulance Chaser'

“Avenatti and Daniels are pursuing charges against Trump for monetary gain.”

So, like Trump pursuing the Presidency for monetary gain?


Unlike all those things that everyone else in America does for “monetary gain” like working hard, paying your dues, keeping your nose to the grindstone, pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, staying the course, toughing it out, showing up at work …


I have serious doubts that Giuliani has the legal chops to go around slinging this brand of mud. All doubt is removed when he goes after Mueller and his team. I spose he is cut from the same clothe as his boss - I’m brilliant cuz I say I am.

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I suspect that Giuliani has determined that the best way for him to get out in front of his own Mueller investigation problems is to steer/wreck the Trump defense from within. We all know he’s tied to this thing with his Roger Stone connections and with the FBI NYC office fiasco, but now I think the raid on Cohen’s office has scared the shit outta him, too.

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donnie really hasn’t gotten that ’ vetting ’ thing down yet …
give him time —

It once cost me a whole pack of cigarettes to keep things quiet …
but it worked like a charm —

Ya just need to deal with a slightly higher class of low life –

                  BE CAREFUL OUT THERE !

I think maybe Rudy joined the Trump defense team because he (Rudy) thinks the client-attorney privilege umbrella might protect him when his own role in all this comes out. It’s a hail-mary, but that’s really all he has left.


Calling other people names and projecting…

It’s what team tRump excels at .


…says Rudy, tongue firmly in cheek, as he runs and jumps on the Trump Train, happy to have a job…


Ah, but here’s the thing: If Spanky fires Giuliani, there’s a decent chance Giuliani’s next gig will be singing opera for Robert Mueller.

What’s a poor mob boss to do?


They’re both New Yorkers, and connoisseurs of the odd characters thrown up on the shores of that vast melting pot of human insanity and depravity. They’re staging an hommage to Vincent “the Chin” Gigante, a very late Mafia boss who successfully evaded prosecution for over a decade by pretending to be demented. Please, let’s all recognize the reference before we force one or both of them to go on Fox and Friends in his bathrobe and slippers to make the hommage unmistakable. There may be much ruin in a nation, but there isn’t enough ruin left in me to want to carry that mental image around for my remaining years.


Well as an impeachment lawyer he’s zero and one. Literally every other lawyer out there has a better record.


“Oh, joy of joys! Oh, dream of dreams!” (H/T: Franz Liebkind, “The Producers”)

Thank you for that, Mr. American Hero (second only to Dr. Ronny Jackson!) Rudolph Giuliani. Now we can all sit back and watch Michael Avenatti peel you like a fucking orange.


He wants to be fitted for Zumbach’s suit.

The Parable of Zumbach the Taylor

A fellow went to Zumbach the tailor to be fitted for a new suit of clothes. After Zumbach altered the suit, the man stood in front of the mirror to check the fit. At first glance he noticed that the suit jacket’s right arm sleeve was rather short, and too much of his wrist was showing. “Say, Zumbach,” the fellow noted, “this sleeve looks a little short. Would you please lengthen it?”

“The sleeve is not too short,” replied the tailor. “Your arm is too long… Just pull your arm back a few inches and you will see that the sleeve fits perfectly.” The man withdrew his arm a bit, and the sleeve was matched with his wrist. But this movement rumpled the upper portion of the jacket.

“Now the nape of the collar is several inches above my neck,” he protested." There’s nothing wrong with the collar,” Zumbach insisted. “Your neck is too low. Lift the back of your neck and the jacket will fit well.” The customer raised his neck a few inches, and sure enough the collar rounded it where it was supposed to. But nöw there was another problem: the bottom of the jacket rested high above his seat.

“Now my whole rear end is sticking out!” the man complained. “No problem,” Zumbach returned. “Just lift up your rear end so it fits under the jacket.” Again the customer complied, which left his body in a very contorted posture.

“But standing like this the pants are too short.” Said the man.

Zumbach answered, “There is nothing wrong with the suit! If you’ll just bend your knees a bit, you’ll see the trousers are just right.” The customer tries it and, lo and behold, the suit fits like a glove – and it’s gorgeous.”

Zumbach had convinced him that the problem was not with the suit, but with him. So he paid the tailor for the suit and walked out of the shop in a most awkward position, struggling to keep all parts of the suit in their right places.
Later that day, he was waiting at the bus stop with his shoulders lopsided and his head straining forward, when another fellow took hold of his lapel and said, “What a beautiful suit! I’ll bet Zumbach the tailor made that suit for you.”

“Why yes,” the man said, “but how did you know?”

“Because only a tailor as brilliant as Zumbach could outfit a body as crippled as yours.”

It’s the same for all who associate with tRump.


The hiring of Rudy Giuliani just shows why I laugh any time someone here says not to underestimate Trump’s intelligence.


Giuliani v. Avenatti does not really constitute a fair fight.

But I’ll buy tickets up front anyways.


Rudy must have seen the cool pics of Avenatti from Le Mans ?

Rudy, it wasn’t ambulances, he chased…


Wouldn’t there have to be some sane advisor left to ask for this?


Do do that doo-doo that you do so well, Rudy.
(with my deepest apologies to the late Cole Porter)

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