Discussion: Rubio: No-Fly List 'Shouldn't Be Used As Tool To Impede 700K' From Getting Gun

Rubio wants to arm 700000 suspected terrorists with guns! Why does Rubio need a terrorist army?


“They shouldn’t be used as a tool to impede 700,000 Americans or potential Americans – people on that list from having access to be able to fully utilize their Second Amendment rights,” Rubio told CNN’s Jake Tapper.

God forbid! And from a Republican perspective, my invocation of God was intentional.

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Yup. That’s the way to present this to the voters. Clear and accurate.

The minute you get into discussions about who should or should not be on a watchlist or no-fly list, or about whether that’s even legal (due process, anyone?), you lose the low-information voter. Just make it plain to them that the net result of Rubio’s position is that people who are considered to be too dangerous to allow on an airplane will still be able to buy all the guns and ammo they want.


Rubio feels citizen rights are being abused and violated in the administration of the no-fly list. Has he demanded hearings to arrive at solutions to fix this system? Has he proposed legislation aimed at assuring it is more fair and transparent? What has he done as a U.S. Senator to attempt a fix?


So this means one of two things:

  1. Rubio’s in favor of allocating funds to update and correct the no-fly list for the benefit of all travelers and the safety of all Americans


  1. Rubio forbids any lists of gun owners anywhere anytime. He’s OK with a few terrorists getting military-style assault weapons because everyone should be free to shoot each other up.

Follow the money


So Kasich doesn’t want to tip them off that they are being watched by the government when denying them the chance to purchase a gun. But don’t you also tip them off when you tell them they can’t fly???


Planes are great forms of transportation until they are hijacked and turned into missiles.

Guns are are great forms of protection until your enemies used your ease with them to kill you.

Fox news is a great vehicle for promoting your RWNJ views and candidates until Donald Trump takes it over and gets himself nominated.

GOPers don’t see how what they love and crave can be used against them, and is used against them to destroy them as we speak.


“The terror watch list was created to prevent innocent people from flying to attend Aunt Minnie’s funeral. It was not intended to prevent actual terrorists from buying assault weapons”, Rubio went on to add.

I’m not sure the “no-fly” list is good for anything. This is the list that has disrupted family vacations when the name of a babe-in-arms happened to match a name on the list. When Senator Ted Kennedy was put on the list, it lost all credibility. The no-fly list is part of security theater; very publicly inconveniencing people to look like “we’re doing something”.

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


The Senators Who Voted Against Background Checks Have Received $27 Million From the NRA


You know, weirdly enough, I agree with Rubio about this. We really shouldn’t use the fact that someone’s name is on a list that’s prepared by some faceless government functionary, with no due process and no way to challenge your inclusion on the list or get yourself off of it, and where the list is riddled with errors, and where a lot of people have gotten mistaken for someone who’s on the list due to having similar names, to deny anyone a right that’s granted to everyone else. That’s downright un-American, that is.

Of course, that would mean that we shouldn’t be using the fact that someone’s name is on that kind of list to deny them the right to get on an airplane, either. These no-fly lists were causing all sorts of problems already, long before the gun thing came up. There were lots of tales of woe about perfectly innocent people with common names being prevented from flying to their important business meetings, to which the likes of Rubio basically shrugged their shoulders and said “Sorry, dude, can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.” Now, when someone suggests applying the exact same list to gun purchases, it’s “oooh, oooh, the lists might not be totally 100% accurate, what a horrid nightmare it would be if someone were inadvertently prevented from buying a gun because he was accidentally on this list.” Not a word, so far as I’ve seen, about how these inaccurate lists shouldn’t be used for preventing people from flying either.


Hey, when there are already around 112 guns per citizen making this country number one in gun ownership, who’d notice if another 700,000 were added.

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The gun lobby doesn’t care if terrorists get guns just as long as they get their cash.


Well, without a constant supply of fresh terrorists, Rubio and the others can’t fundraise off of a constant stream of fearmongering.


This is my first time commenting on this board – and I must say I am mightily impressed by the stupidity of its denizens. Why don’t you idiots do even a little research before popping off? The “no fly” list isn’t subject to judicial oversite and it’s easy to be put on it but nearly impossible to get your name removed. Of course, you idiot libs love it – until it happens to you.

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“The stupidity of its denizens”, “idiot libs” could mean it’ll be your last time.

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the fix the effing system then.

Isn’t that what your JOB?!!!

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Hey, thanks for stopping in with your sunshine and happiness. The answer is to FIX the no fly list. Banning folks on that list from purchasing weapons is not a zero sum game. It’s not like the no fly list requires a blood oath to reconfigure. But hey, welcome to the land of light. Come on back if you dare.

EDIT: Hey, and you know what? They could probably fix it with the SAME LEGISLATION. *Gasp.


Doesn’t the death penalty list have a significant number of errors too?