Discussion: Rubio Asks Court To Dismiss Complaint Arguing He's Not 'Natural Born Citizen'

Too bad one of them isn’t Mexican then we could sic Steve King on them.

Obama: Rubio, Welcome to Konservative heaven.

Which should rule out both Cruz and Rubio.

“Curses …hanged by my own rope”

Technically, I don’t believe Cruz rises to the anchor-baby appellation.

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Alan Grayson should sign up to run for president in the November election so that he has the standing necessary to take the Cruz Canadian citizenship issue to court. I am afraid that the RATS among the Supreme Court justices might be hacks for the Republican party.

OMG. l laughed out loud

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Hoisted on his own petard

Mitt Romnito ?

“The poorly written 14th Amendment and subsequent statutes confirm that the “accident of birth” indeed confirms citizenship.”

Citizenship. It’s completely silent on how “natural born” citizenship is achieved. I mean, Arnold Schwarzenegger has American citizenship…but he isn’t a natural born citizen. Same with Jennifer Granholm. Neither can ever be President.

So all’s the 14th does is confirm that Rubio has American citizenship. It still open to question/interpretation as to whether he is a “natural born” citizen.

But his answer on this will be interesting…as the whole debate from this summer about doing away with birth right citizenship plays directly into his stance.


This is a severely flawed group of wannabes that the Repubs have tossed out there.
A bush that turns out to be the dumber one, some conservative anchor babies that conservatives should despise, an asshole with a Scottish mother that is in a feud with Scotland and his own Party, a corpulent bridge blocker, their version of a worthy black person and some other unimpressive clowns.

Rubio is definitely a qualified anchor baby, only he’s anchoring parents from a communist country that Repubs are currently in the hate mode on. And that gets us to Cruz, who is the offspring of a commie turned Canadian turned American that too is of Cuban descent and may be a mole?

Rubio is just getting overflow from the shit being thrown at Cruz. No one is even taking Rubio seriously but it’s fun to hit them with their own stupidity because, teabaggers suck.


One Cubanadian Communist, and one anchor baby! No thanks!

So are they going to apply that meme to Cruz? His Dad didn’t become a citizen until 2005.

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Why not any candidate running against Rubio or Cruz, the harm being that they have to expend more campaign funds combating them, rather than requiring they have to lose to have standing?

IF Cruz’s mother took out Canadian citizenship AND renounced her American citizenship, then Ted is nothing but a Dreamer.

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That’s the second half of the thought - subsequent statutes. At this point in history, the 14th stands as the base line that has been modified a number of times to reflect situations that most people in the 19th Century wouldn’t have considered commonplace enough to ponder, like the many of us who have posted on these various threads over the last couple of days who either have foreign non-U.S. citizen spouses and/or children born abroad.

Whoops – I meant natural born – but I wonder why you consider that there is a difference between someone having two non-citizen parents and having one citizen parent even if in either case the child is born on US soil.

My own father was first generation born in the US . His parents emigrated from Russia (fleeing programs) to Montreal (I still have a lot of relatives there) and then came across the open border without documentation and settled in Massachusetts in the early 1900s. To my knowledge, they were never formally naturalized. But they had three kids who have always been considered natural born american citizens as they were born in Massachusetts. Anchor babies if you want to use that term… Your interpretation would mean that as a result of my grandparents being unnaturalized immigrants, my father would not be considered a natural born citizen-- and if theoretically my mother were to have been born into a similar situation, then I would not be natural born citizen either? And to follow your logic – if I married a non-citizen – then my children would not be natural born citizens either – and on and on – even if our family lived here for generations? This seems INSANE – if not bizarrely bigoted.

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:unamused: …“hanged” lacks the farce befitting his campaign.

If you applied it to everyone it would disqualify a hell of a lot more, including not only Cruz, Rubio, and Jindal, but even Trump, as Cruz pointed out.

You have to wonder what took them so long to become citizens. They came here during the Batista era yet were not naturalized until the early 80’s.