Now Moore is “seriously considering” another Senate bid in 2020
Here’s hoping the Republican Party supports him wholeheartedly.
“I hit on girls. Almost everyone does. Sometimes the girls were young. I liked girls. I still like girls.”
And Doug Jones didn’t feel the need to vote yes on Kavanaugh.
Why cited Kavanaugh as a precedent? Trump survived despite all his crimes, long before Moore’s defeat. Maybe Moore is just not that popular.
Running for real, or just setting up yet another grift account funded by religious right dupes?
I am torn - could be either. He could be so dumb and egotistical to believe he is so special that with more time to fight, he won’t look dumber and more grotesque, but will look like US Senate material to voters.
But that would also send a not so subtle message to Alabama republicans - that he, Moore, is willing to cede another race to Jones, cementing what seems to be an unthinkable anomaly, a Democrat in the Senate, representing Alabama in the 21st century.
Need a laugh this morning? (Yeah, we all do.)
Watch Sacha Baron Cohen Trick Roy Moore Into ‘Pedophile Detector Test’
Someone should remind Moore that the voting population of Alabama is a little over 50% women, as opposed to the US Senate, which was only 21% womern (and 79% men) when Republicans put alleged teen rapist Kavanaugh on the US Supreme Court in a largely party line vote.
Go, Roy, go!
He’s considering a bid because Kavanaugh got through with sexual allegation against him? Really? THAT’S how you ‘judge’ if you will run or not? WTF?
He’s got a point. If a Rapist can be rammed onto the USSC, then why can’t an un-indicted child rapist and pedophile be a senator?
Moore hit the nail on the head here- let’s call it ‘The Kavanaugh Rule’.
It occurs to me that there’s an awful lot of overlap these days between setting up a grift account funded by religious right dupes and being a GOP Senator. You hire someone who can write crazy statements about hot-button issues and it becomes pretty much a paid vacation with lots of free publicity and continued grifting opportunities as a member of the upper chamber of a once-proud nation.
They’d have a better chance of having Sassy as the GOP candidate.
Doug Jones would very much like a rematch, I suspect.
There are fools, and then there are damned fools!
And it might even work. Even when some some candid people try to convince us that Alabama is not as racist and mean spirited as we are lead to believe…yeah right
Not so fast, child molester!
One despicable after another, are there no limits?
I suppose getting a pass on pedophilia is to be expected, especially since soliciting help from Russians to get elected is apparently acceptable behavior now. Hell, Roy Moore should just pay the GRU to fuck up his opponent. Roll with it, Roy!
If only RoyBoy could document some family incest, or necrophilia, he’d be guaranteed election.