I don’t care if it’s a crime, it’s fucking common sense in this age of mass shootings.
That… I know I’ve been caught in situations with older white people I’d just met, and they got to the topic of “The President”. Pure unabashed racism. And I was expected to join in. Such is the joy of living in a very red county.
He probably didn’t care one bit. One would presume that any reasonable human being would contact authorities
This is the sort of guy you do not wish to be privy to hearing any threats of any kind.
Even though I grew up in a tiny town that had very racist people in it I don’t think anyone in my miniscule home town would consider this kids actions or thought patterns to be acceptable.
Dumbfuck for sure
““We will be doing no interviews ever.””
Betcha the FBI disagrees with you on that one.
Yeah pretty fucking ridiculous isn’t it
It’s fairly obvious that the room mate didn’t think the racist talk and talk of killing people to be something he should report… until after the fact. Or maybe I am missing something here. Or over reacting…
When asked if he did anything with the information Tyler replied: “Yeah, I made sure his rent was paid up.”
That little twit needs to be in jail as well.
To be perfectly honest, the backstory of The Hunger Games makes more and more sense every day. I see how a country could get to that place.
Pretty consistent picture here. He was open about his racism and his plans for terrorism … but that was considered normal. He was just another young conservative with a lot of Southern Pride (as stated by people who knew him; not my formulation). Maybe a loner with some drug issues and a bit creepy, but the racist statements and jokes, the support of segregation and white supremacy, and the threats to murder people and carry out acts of terror didn’t seem out of the ordinary or like they should be seen as a warning sign or anything. Just regular folk.
It’s beyond ridiculous. What does this say about the people that Roof shared his beliefs with? That they were fucking stupid? Or more like yeah they agree but just didn’t think he would actually follow through on this whole start a civil war thing?
yeah, wtf?!?
When do we get calls for the good people within the Southern white community to speak out against the terrorists within their midst? When will we hear questions about the patriotism of the Southern white community because there are friends/associates of this guy who knew he could be a danger but took no steps to stop him? When will law enforcement start surveilling Southern whites to make sure we stop the terrorists among them before they attack again?
But has any of these jerks confided to you his plan to start a race war through mass murder?
Sometimes differences in degree have meaning.
You are on to something.
Ding ding ding! That’s exactly what’s going on here. The people with whom he surrounds himself failed to see this coming because they saw nothing much wrong with the things he was saying. Furthermore, he was probably comfortable saying those things to them because he knew they agreed.
He wanted to “start a civil war.” This was the same motive as Timothy McVeigh in 1995.