Discussion: Ron Johnson To Dem Colleague: 'God Help You For Implying I'm A Racist'

He’s a racist alright: he’s also one of the dumbest men alive.


It looks as much as anything like mutual strategic piety-bombing. When you got nothing to lose or no way to say it or both, start hurling those big fat nothing grenades.

Also helps that both states have been pre-plagued something awful.

For an explanation of how sub rosa racism could actually advantage the GOP see Thomas Edsall’s column of a couple of days ago:

But it is going to take much more than Karl Rove’s columns and white papers issued by the Republican National Committee for the party to abandon a 50-year-old strategy that depends on tapping racial resentment in all of its forms, particularly when there is new research to suggest that this strategy is not entirely obsolete


They’re each invoking the flying spaghetti monster, and you want to insist on decorum. There’s no Roberts Rules in a food fight!

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Using God to threaten someone…wow! Stop acting like a racist, and people will stop calling you out on it!

And while you’re at it, how about asking God to help you in that regard…

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If it was fair game for the GOP to suggest the Democrats “hated America” during the Bush years, suggestions of racism are fair game as well. Particularly when there is more than enough to support it.


Totally academic. The Repus are the establishment white supremacist party, and they’re figuring, I suspect correctly, this is the one and only serious blah president and in any way serious blah presidential candidate they’ll ever have to face. Plus, he’s been a fantastic asset for them in extracting money from their racist base.


And of course, ONE MORE TIME, the Republican(s) focus on their perceived ‘victimhood’. Don’t call ME a racist! I hate OBAMACARE and I don’t want to go back to a ‘failed healthcare system’…I have no solutions but by gory, you called me a RACIST!!!


Dunno about that. Yesterday TPM reported a poll showing Governor Walker TIED with the Dem in the upcoming goober donnybrook. TIED! WALKER! IN WISCONSIN! Given that, and parallels in so many other states, it’s pretty easy to see Johnson getting re-elected.

It is way past time for Democrats to call out the Republican Party for its use of racism as a tool. Let’s face it, the Republican base has a large number of racist in it and that colors everything that is and has happened since BO was elected President.


Ah, jeez, you went and FELL for their stupid premise!

So…Johnson opposes a health care program that helps close the gap of millions of minorities not having insurance because “it’s an assault on our freedom” to allow insurance companies to rip people off.

As the saying goes, you might not be a racist, Senator, but your actions are.


Thanks for the Heads up Jay!!

Not really. All of these teabaggers who got elected during the 2010 wave will be up for reelection in 2016, a presidential election year. With HRC at the top of the ticket, I have no doubt that Johnson, Kirk, Toomey, and probably Ayotte will be shown the door.

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Yep, I’m fairly certain that most of these guys aren’t actually racist themselves but the Republican base most certainly is, and they’re playing to that racism. I really don’t know what’s worse, being a racist or appealing to racism.


Obamacare is only destroying freedom because it was implemented on a national basis by Democrats. In Massachusetts, where Republicans implemented the same right wing Heritage Foundation plan and called it Romneycare, it is the definition of freedom, because it is the state and not the federal government forcing you to buy insurance from a corporation, .

Then there are those of us who believe that any government entity forcing you to buy any insurance from any for-profit corporation is a travesty, especially when a majority still wants a Canadian style single payer system…

“…My opposition to health care has nothing to do with the race of President Obama.”
No. Then God help Johnson for not wanting to help his fellow Americans.


It WAS terrible for Jay Rockefeller to imply that Johnson is a racist – he should have said so flat out.


The two are not mutually exclusive.


Good on Rockefeller. 10 years too late but good on him anyway. Call these people out and watch their drama queen overreactions expose them for exactly what they are: race hustling grifters.

Johnson’s just mad he got caught.

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