Discussion: Roll Call: Clinton Heads To Convention With 2,814 Delegates

       More than 50 remain uncommitted.

Wow… I guess DWS really IS an abject failure —

hillary. do us proud. show the world how smart women are. plus compassionate and willing to stand up and be counted. your VP seems to be inspired. trump’s rollout of pence was hopeless.

Ummm, there’s no suspense. Hillary is our nominee and she has chosen her VEEP.

Sanders has filed no formal motions and is contesting nothing. And he shouldn’t.

The system is designed to Ferret out the unworthy and to pinpoint the clear winner.
It did but just because it happens to be the very person that was always expected to win, that doesn’t justify a leap to the fix being in.
Back up look at '08 and what has transpired since especially with Hillary but also with Sanders and try to explain that she wasn’t the most deserving and vastly most qualified.

Hillary will wreck the right just as Obama did. They will shamelessly keep trying to stain every Dem and especially their arch rival but the jig is up. Their clown act just rejustifies the opinions of all that call them a clown act.
The right isn’t sly, they just have the gall to go low at all times. BFD, their game is stale, their hopelessness for all pitch is lacking in everything that counts.

After the convention, it’s gear up time, it’s throw down time. I’m ready to rock and no Trump bad news can stop us. He’s all bad news.
We will overcome!