Mister Chairman, I’d like to move that the hearing be recessed, and reconvened at a more suitable place.
Namely, Guantanamo Bay.
Prepare the buckets.
Mister Chairman, I’d like to move that the hearing be recessed, and reconvened at a more suitable place.
Namely, Guantanamo Bay.
Prepare the buckets.
Has Stone always had that curious looking head shape? I think he has some combination of syphillis and/or wet brain. He’s addled.
Trump has brought the worst of the worst bubbling to the surface. Everyone knows Stone is a complete nut and professional liar - even most Republicans. We have truly elected the crazy grandpa who watches Fox news all day and then listens to Rush when he is driving. And when you argue with a crazy person or an intellectually challenged person, you find your level of discourse gets dragged down to their level every time. You can’t debate them - intelligent societies ignore them. We interview them on prime time TV and elect them to office.
I know the USA does not have a monopoly on stupid, but we are sure working hard to corner the market.
Will Devin Nunes ride into the hearing on Putin’s horse?
That guy apparently had Zika virus as a child.