Discussion: Roger Stone On Courthouse Steps Says He Hasn't Even Read The Indictment Yet

How about Donald?


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Fuckwads in arms

Did he say he was looking forward to his day in court? Please let him have said he was looking forward to his day in court. There are guilty fuckers walking all over America with convictions from looking forward to their days in court.

He says that thinking Donald will step in and pardon him shortly after, I bet.

If tRump pardons Roger before trial/conviction does it fall into the obstruction of justice meme?

Was that before or after he said this?

At the scene: Roger Stone, his wife and a scared lapdog.
My question: Why the double reference to Mr. Stone?

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I don’t understand the FBI SWAT tactics for the arrest, when the judge just lets him walk without paying a penny.


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“I can’t even read!”

Talk about “gay doggy-style repellent”

Now you know why Melania only does it doggy style! So she doesn’t have to look at that face!

No surprise if true

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Is he subconsciously miming that infamous photo? He has it down to the thrust of the arrogant, deluded head

He had Made comments to the effect that he was prepared to use lethal force if he felt it was necessary, he and Alex Jones.

The FBI also searched his NY apartment, and didn’t want to tip off any associates who might destroy evidence.