Discussion: Roger Stone: I Answered 'All' Of House Intel's Questions But One


Doesn’t everyone just assume the journalist is Glenn Greenwald?


Longtime Trump confidante Roger Stone emerged out of a closed-door, three-hour-plus interview with the House Intelligence Committee Tuesday and told reporters that he answered “all” of their questions except one.

Q. Are you now, or have you ever been, in league with the Russia government of Vladimir Putin or any of it’s non- governmental partners and associates, for the purposes of tampering with our election?


“I’m not holding my breath,” he said.

An immense disappointment to us all.


Actually, Roger, I think prison tailoring works best for both your and Manafort’s body types. Orange will complement you coloring, too.


One can only hope they’ll allow him to order bespoke orange jumpsuits from London.


“English tailoring is always better than Italian tailoring, at least for my body shape.”

Not many people realize how difficult it can be to accessorize off-the-rack for a bag over your head.


“English tailoring is always better than Italian tailoring, at least for my body shape.”

Ah, yes… it is hard to fit a steaming pile of excrement (let alone find an appropriate pocket square)…


But did Roger show Trey is tattoo?


“Roger Stone: I Answered ‘All’ Of House Intel’s Questions But One.”

“That question,” Stone went on to say, “was ‘why did you spy on America for the Russians?’ I told the House Intel Committee that I would have to get with Putin before I could answer that one.”


“Anatomy of a Murder” is one of a tiny handful of movies about law that lawyers love because they’re reasonably accurate in the portrayal of evidence and procedure law. The novel was written by a state supreme court justice who co-wrote the script and insisted on teaching Jimmy Stewart and George C. Scott how to conduct examination before they saw the script, though much of the way the trial is conducted is outmoded.

Honestly, I never much cared for it because the story is tawdry and misogynistic, and generally has that harsh edge of unlikability to the characters that all of Otto Primenger’s movies seemed to have. But tawdry and misogynistic is how they liked their noirish potboilers in the 50’s.

But the main reason I don’t like it is because of one of its most famous scenes, the scene where Jimmy Stewart walks Ben Gazarra just the very last millimeter short (at best) of the line between advising a client on the applicable law and subornation of perjury. That scene always makes me squirm and screw up my face in distaste. It was a “before you say anything to me and thereby make it impossible for me to ethically tell you the only possible thing you can say to get yourself acquitted, let me tell you the only possible thing you can say that will get you acquitted” talk. My evidence and ethics professors both discussed it and had different opinions on it.

Regardless, maybe it’s just me, but I detected the aroma of just such a talk with counsel wafting from this:

Stone had told a local GOP group in Florida in August, 2016 he had “actually communicated with Julian Assange” — a claim he repeated multiple times that month while hinting at campaign-related Wikileaks dumps to come. He has since claimed that there was in fact no direct back channel or communications between him and Assange. His opening statement to the House Intel Committee, which Stone released Monday evening, said that it was actually Wikileaks’ public Twitter account that first tipped him off that they’d obtained Hillary Clinton emails, and that “a journalist who I knew had interviewed Assange to independently confirm this report.”


He’s one creepy-looking dude. He makes my skin crawl.


“Stone, who is known for his wily relationship with the press and his flair for fashion”

Wily? Is that a new word for Primadonna?

"“I think what’s happening here is that the special counsel will try to manufacture a crime "

Oh, so that is what Trump means when he says he is bringing manufacturing jobs back to 'murica. Nice try at writing the story before it is writ. (Stone seems to project a lot in attempting that sort of thing)

"Look, Manafort, we won’t prosecute you for this if you simply admit you were colluding with the Russians and that Donald Trump knew everything.’”

Yep, all that work and surely Mueller will go no worries mate, have a good day and thank you.

“but they photographed all of his custom Italian suits in his closet.””

Wait, seriously, he did say that? Funny as hell. God forbid if they snapped his french undie collection.

" I’m an opinion journalist. He’s a journalist. I’m not going to burn somebody who I spoke to off the record,” Stone said.’"

You are a what?

“He added that he was going to talk to the journalist to see if he can get his permission to reveal his identity to the congressional investigators.”

Because? Why unmask now? A little pressure there?

“Stone’s opening statement included blistering criticisms of Schiff and other House Intel Dems for making “irresponsible, indisputably, and provably false statements” about him.”

And yet

"Stone had told a local GOP group in Florida in August, 2016 he had “actually communicated with Julian Assange” — a claim he repeated multiple times that month "

“said that it was actually Wikileaks’ public Twitter account that first tipped him off t”

Will Stone apologize to himself for making false statements about Stone? Of course which one is truth and which is not?

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Not sure why we should trust anything this creepy piece of shit says.


“Roger, before we let you go, have you told the truth even once in your testimony?”


It looks like his head was bashed from behind. Was he dropped as a baby?
Definitely creepy looking.


My god. not the Italian suits! Is nothing sacred?

A man’s Italian suits should never be photographed by law enforcement agents. as if they were paparazzi. The indignity of it! It’s a clear violation of the 8th Amendments prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment.

Those bastards.


Has anyone else watched ‘get me roger stone’ o Netflix? Very good

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Wait. He’s claiming to be a journalist!?




No, but I did read the coverage where Roger and his wife were busted for seeking out a “well hung male” in a Swinger magazine, and how that coverage forced Bob Dole to fire him.