Discussion: Roger Stone Gets Judge's Permission To Judge Stripper Contest

Perhaps Roger Stone will reprise his last role as Judge…Judge Doom:


…Roger Stone got permission on Friday from Judge Amy Berman Jackson to travel to the Pony strip club in Memphis, where he will judge the 2019 Exotic Dancer Invitationals in June.

A couple of things stand out about this decision:

First, the judge was right in granting Stone permission to do this since it has absolutely nothing to do with his case. And, second, how crazy was it for Stone to ask a female judge who will decide if he goes to jail or not if he can judge a stripping contest? Did he really think that would make a good impression on her? I’m glad she’s cool about it but, really??

Stone is definitely worthy of the insanity wolf meme for this to say the least.


Stay classy, Roger.


Not crazy at all. If she denies it, it would be (weak) grounds for appeal.


Hah! Stone CLASSY? Never!


Whiny little prima dona has to ask permission to take any $$ making gig being offered. Took a long time but it looks like Karma has had enough of this toad. At least in prison he won’t have to worry about picking up change to keep a roof over his head.


“Hey, babe, wanna see my Dick* tattoo?”



Do I have any conceivable constructive role to play in society? Let me answer that with another question, Your Honor: Would it be OK if I went and judged a titty show in Memphis? I need all the legit cash I can scrape up right now.


It’s his way of signalling to her that he appreciates women. Learn to recognize a compliment.


Right-on. He’s a degenerate. Though, on reflection that might be a poor word choice. I think he was born in the sewer, so never really had a chance to devolve from a higher state. A piece of shit can’t change what it is.

Perhaps the best we can expect from Stone is fertilizer when he’s gone, assuming he isn’t so poisoned that he pollutes the ground around his grave.

Stay classy, Roger.


Yeah, that’s the best part.

“He’s been very open about his appreciation for beautiful women,” Jerry Westlund, the club owner, told Mother Jones.

You can’t make this stuff up. Vaguely reminds me of Fanne Foxe and Wilbur Mills.

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And the jokes keep writing themselves.

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A 'man" after Donald’s own heart…er, ok actually his dick.

The jury will do the real deciding so no love lost on the judge. Hilarious all around.

Great story. Thanks for the link.

David Dennison couldn’t attend the contest.


The judge showed great restraint in not laughing in his face.

“He’s been very open about his appreciation for beautiful women,” Really, I guess that is one way to put it. Does that include pinching, groping, and grabbing?

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OT but yeah, I also missed out on all the easy money as a grad student and postdoc. I actually TA’d labs and worked long hours in the lab. I think Maria Butina and all the other Trump grifters have opened up many new ways to avoid the academic ghettos of graduate school and postdoc work. Unfortunately, it is too late for me.


“Appreciation of beautiful women.” That’s quite the euphemism.


The “Values Party”

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