Stone’s lawyers note that their client is unique in seeking public attention even as he faces federal charges.
Do…do they think that’s an argument against a gag order??
Stone’s lawyers note that their client is unique in seeking public attention even as he faces federal charges.
Do…do they think that’s an argument against a gag order??
This is Roger Stone we’re talking about. To him a gag order is sending a case of condons to a convent via Amazon and saying they’re from Bill Clinton.
“…he boasts far fewer Instagram followers than Kim Kardashian.”
Gee, Roger, I despise the vacuous Ms. Kardashian as much as the next person, but I do not recall her being indicted by the Feds. So far, having plastic surgery and being married to an overrated musical dumbass are not federal crimes.
I cannot believe Judge Berman Jackson didn’t just look at Stone’s attorney and scornfully ask, “You’re coming at me with this? Really? REALLY?!”
Stone is making a mistake with this obvious attempt to taint the D. C. jury pool so he can request a change of venue to someplace like, North Dakota. All he is doing is pissing off the judge. There are lots of people who don’t pay any attention at all to current political news and who can barely name the Vice President, much less a has-been Richard Nixon acolyte who got his 16th minute of fame by stupidly deciding to play footsies with Putin’s GRU spies. The only people who will be disqualified are political junkies like the people who read TPM. The vast majority of people are not paying any attention to the supporting players in this political scandal, and won’t have any problem qualifying for the jury pool. And in D.C., taking their cue from a judge who Stone is pissing off daily, a pool of low-level federal employee, largely minority, jurors will send Stone straight up the river to spend his retirement years with his good buddy Manafort.
Stone is sooooooo screwed.
You can tell that Roger Stone has never in his life expected to be held accountable for any of the ratfucking he has perpetrated in his political ratfucking career. He and his so-called (because they wear ties and carry briefcases, I suppose) “attorneys” are absolutely clueless on how to proceed. Kim Kardashian’s Twitter followers? Damn, even Lionel Hutz wouldn’t pull that one!
I’ll just leave this right here:
Roger Stone’s and his attorneys’ next Legal Gambit of Genius!
Well , tantrums work for Doofus …
make that questionable sense of style
Well… Roger stone is a big ass.
I don’t think Roger has the cleavage to pull this off, let alone the ability to wear the heels.
allz i’m sayin’ is now we know where the feathers plucked off the ostrich that gave his life for manaforte’s jacket went
I want a new judge
One that does what she should
One that doesn’t make me nervous
Wondering who to sue
One that makes me feel
When I allocute for you
Stone’s attorneys on this, if they know their stuff, will have told him he’s got zero chance of bumping this judge off this case so there’s a big risk his effort to bump her will draw support from the moronoshere but not exactly help him with any jury pool.
But CONJOINING that motion with another that seeks to avoid a gag order, that’s actually got legs, and any even small victory Roger the Rodent Botherer gets on THAT motion will increase the chance of jury pool members forgetting all about the bump motion.
Note that the goverment isn’t taking any position of the gag order motion, which therefore renders it sui proprio, that is, Latin for dis judge done gone off on her ownself.
What the Muelller OSC has been doing all along is warehousing its evidence with the Federal Court System, and Judge ABJ more than any other (I suspect it’s not remotely close - she’s seen it all), which just itself achieves an important institutional objective, to wit: succeeding in running around the technical limits of the various ‘reporting’ requirements under the DoJ regulations.
But in filling that goal as the prime vessel of the OSC’s work product, Judge ABJ has also taken on the added burden of OTOH knowing what Mueller has (and do where he’s likely headed) while having to stay above the fray in any battles in the case of the government versus Stone. This is not an easy needle to thread, and the OSC has a clear incentive to leave her without support, obviously, or else risk more of those weird pressers where Peter Carr goes all cryptic on why a particular report in the political news media ‘isn’t quite right’.
But again: Judge ABJ is ideally positioned to predict that it’s overwhelmingly likely, close to a virtual certainty, that Stone will take any and all liberties and abuse them to the point of horror. The last half century of Roger the Rodent Botherer has proven THAT beyond any reasonable doubt.
If anyone can negotiated this stormy passage, I’d think Judge ABJ is the one. But again: she deserves our sympathies because it’s not easy and will only get tougher as Roger rogers more rodents.
I dunno that it has legs. The Judge and the Court have supervisory authority to avoid the trial or any pretrial proceedings being abused by Stone. He thinks he is going to intimidate the Judge with this, cause her to bend over backwards for him. Judges in Federal Court are used to assholes who have no defense trying to turn the proceeding into a spectacle.
Loathsome pinhead says whut?