Discussion: RNC's Funding Plea Attributed To Trump After Sessions Hearing: 'WITCH-HUNT!'

It occurs to me that at 70 Jeff Sessions may have…ahem… prostate issues.
One of the banes of geezerhood I hear/

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Ha. What a load. I get plenty of fundraising emails from the left, and while they do go overboard with caps (like this) and often use fraught language (like this), they’re aren’t usually composed of complete BS. Every sentence in this is BS. And the trumpies gulp it down. They must just love that smoooooth brown taste.

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Precent eh?
And they ask for one dollar to “keep fighting”.
I wonder how far a dollar goes in politics these days.

The “Thank you and God bless you” supposedly from Trump is a tell. This is cynically aimed right at the fundamentalist Christian Fox News watcher crowd in an attempt to get their credit card payment directed to the RNC instead of some televangelist.


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I can’t do half the stuff I could at 40 . Its just physiology. Plus Sessions was too dim to realize what he was taking on.
He thought he could be AG and cruise for a few years and sail off into retirement

Again , Why Hillary was so amazing

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Missed that. Put it down on the list of charges.

Unfortunately, you can’t count political contributions as charity…