Discussion: RNC Denies Committee Considering Cutting Off Trump Cammpaign

When, not if.

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Spin spin spin. No wonder they look woozy.


Denial must be the river flowing past RNC HQ.


Seemingly every story written or broadcast about the Trump campaign starts with the introductory phrase “A spokesperson for the Trump campaign today denied…”

Trump spends nearly all his time telling everyone what he hasn’t said, or claiming he didn’t mean what he said, to the exclusion of what he plans to do if elected.


That’s the surprise inside the box. Since Trump isn’t a typical politician he sure does like to dust off the Party’s old hat policies. Trump has to say outrageous things to distract from his policies are the same as they ever were in the GOP.

" If u believe this I have a bridge to sell you "

Don’t know about no bridge, but if you got a grain storage pyramid I might be interested…


The RNC is “considering” cutting him off? Such decisiveness, considering they are the most spineless weasels on the planet.

(No offense to weasels intended.)

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His press secretary (Katrina Pierson) will be denier in chief, with a strong focus on altering historical dates.

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This is the same as when the team owners put out the statement;

“We have FULL CONFIDENCE IN and FULLY SUPPORT our Team’s Head Coach.”

We all know how that ends…

Translation: “Crap! Who the f*** is still leaking!”

“The story is out there.” If you’re explaining, you’re losing.


If the RNC is not considering it, they are dumber than a box of rocks.

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Gotta love it…if they hate the message it’s that the MEDIA screwed up. Now I can bash the media with the best of them but actual reporting with facts I generally go with…


Everyone in the media acts as if all Trump needs to do is stop acting friggin nuts and it will prove he’s suddenly presidential, serious and electable. Even if he put on such an act, would anyone believe it? Would the press suddenly start praising him as if he’s now acting like the man they knew he is all along? Good lord, this clown has proven a thousands times over, he is what he’s shown us for the last year. If he suddenly spoke in full sentences and pretended to know squat about anything, the story should then be that Trump is putting on a fake, cynical act in order to fool voters. No matter what he does at this point, his true self is a known quantity and the press should never let him wiggle away from it.

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Precisely, precisely, exactly. The media whores have that sub-narrative to push and have kept at it.