Discussion: RNC Chair: Trump Realizes ‘Degree Of Humanity’ Key As Election Day Nears

It’s almost Labor Day, Priebus. Is Trump winning yet?

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Sure thing, Sherlock…we’re just rubes out here willing to believe anything.

“Humanity” in a man who made the term “You’re Fired” his trademark.
Sure Reince.


gave of Calvinball?

Wimpy Priebus is whistling past the graveyard! He wants to make chicken salad out of chicken sh!t!

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One might suppose that being a humane and decent person would be what is expected of the President of the United States. But that might be unfair as Republicans should probably have an opportunity to be President as well.


Basketball player Dwayne Wade’s cousin is shot to death in Chicago and Trump’s initial response is that it’s good news for his campaign. Hours later he offers prayers. I guess those shots of humanity take a few hours to take effect and probably disappear a few hours later.

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In the hierarchy of Trump’s humanity it is, and always will be mine, mine, mine. Any relationship he fosters is to further enhance mine, mine, mine. If we as voters elect him as POTUS everything he does and everything he says will be to further his mine, mine, mine goals.


“game” of Calvinball. It’s an entirely made up game (from the Calvin & Hobbes comics) where the rules change according to each player’s whim of the moment.

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A degree of humanity? Does Priebus even understand what that means?

Ah yes, you’re the one who has to have everything explained to you.


“What I think is that Donald Trump understands that with every position that is taken and as you get closer to the White House, a degree of humanity and decency is part of every decision that needs to be made,” the RNC chair replied.

Oh, to get elected President that's required.

Ask Priebus why it wasn't required for the first 70 years of Trump's approach to life.

Priebus talks with Trump everyday . . .
Priebus: Hi, good morning.
Trump: Hulk-like RRRaarr.
Priebus: May I please speak with Donald?
Trump: Donald not HERE! Only ZUUL.

Of course he KNOWS this but

  1. He doesn’t give a shit about humanity.

  2. He has NO decency.
    No matter how hard they try, they will never find any.

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When the chairman of your own party admits that you lack humanity, regardless of the degree, it is pretty much game over.

Wrenched no longer uses Bailey’s on his cornflakes. He’s gone straight to Jagermeister.

“And I know Donald Trump. I know Donald Trump in private, I talk to him
every day,” Priebus continued. “I know what he’s thinking about a lot of
these issues and this is a good and decent man that wants to do the
right thing and wants to take every position that he’s talking about and
pepper it with decency, dignity and humanity.”

And the RNC Chair is the royal boot licker of the sociopath.


The “degree of humanity” is just a fancy name for Trump’s base having him by the a** and still needing lots of votes from moderates to win the election. Poor Trump knows his base cannot deliver enough votes to win and he has to figure out some way to be on both sides of the fence at the same time.


Yes, last time it went so well.

So, Trump begins his political career with talk of birtherism (which he now blames on HRC), and starts the primary by defaming Hispanics and Muslims and then belittling his opponents (Lying Ted, Little Marco, Low Energy Jeb, Pedophile Ben) followed by a convention where he describes “Crooked Hillary” while his minions lead cheers of “Lock Her Up.” He threatens violence against peaceful protestors, offers to pay the legal fees of those who commit violence against peaceful protestors, criticizes a Vietnam Veteran and former POW for having been captured, mocks a disabled reporter, calls women who do not fit his perfect 10 ideal fat pigs and ugly, makes up lies about his opponent, and tries to capitalize on personal tragedies of others for political gain.

And NOW the RNC Chair thinks Trump should exhibit a “Degree of Humanity.”

Sorry, Reince, I think that ship has sailed.